Chapter Fourteen

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Warning: this chapter contains a sensitive topic that may be upsetting for some viewers (Mention of Rape). If this topic is upsetting for you, please skip to the next chapter xx

I wake up around 10 in the morning and see that LaMelo's still asleep I hear his phone buzzing beside him on the table and I go over to see that Ashley's been called him 15 times. I call her back and she answers immediately.

Ashley: Finally, I've been calling you. Are you still in New York?

Kehlani: He is, and he's sleeping right now. You wanna leave a message?

Ashley: oh it's you. Remember that I want my 50k and I would actually like it now.

Kehlani: yeah about that. You're not getting 50k. If you decide to go public I promise you Melo and I are already getting a Lawyer and taking you to court for raping him. Yeah so you might not know this, but drugging someone is illegal and then performing un-consensual sexual acts against someone that's not conscious nor in there right mind is a act of rape.

Ashley: wait what?

Kehlani: I would suggest that you find yourself a lawyer as soon as possible.

I say hanging up the phone.


I hear Melo groan and rub his eyes. He looks at me and smiles, I give him a kiss and he sits up.

LaMelo: who were you on the phone with ?

Kehlani: Ashley. We're gonna take her to court. She's not getting $50k.

LaMelo: why are we taking her to court?

Kehlani: because she drugged and then raped you.

LaMelo: Kehlani, I can't go to court. It'll go public then everyone will know.

Kehlani: that's why we're gonna do it quietly and privately, we'll have to talk to your dad. And we should start packing to go home.

LaMelo: Okay, okay you're right.

Kehlani: I'm gonna book our flight for tonight.

LaMelo: I'm gonna have a shower.

Kehlani: ok.

Melo goes into the bathroom to have a shower and I pack my things once I'm done packing I go into the bathroom and see that Melos still in the shower I do my hair and Melo comes out of the shower wrapping a towel around his waist, he then puts his hands around my waist and kisses my neck. He then leaves the bathroom and I follow behind him and he starts packing his things as well, I make my bed and call my parents and my dad answers.

Family Group Chat:

Dad: Hey babygirl what's going on??
Kehlani: I'm coming back to Chino.
Dad: why?
Kehlani: I just need to come back do you think you could send your jet?
Dad: yeah, sure. Baby are you sure everything's okay?
Kehlani: yeah just send me the time the plane gets here please.
Dad: alright, I love you.

I hang up the phone and gather my other things like makeup ect... I go downstairs to Mustapha. 

Kehlani: Hey Melo and I are leaving for Chino later tonight, thought I'd let you know. 

Mustapha: Why you going back to Chino? 

Kehlani: Because, we have some things to handle back home. I don't know if I'll come back to New York or not yet but I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay with you. 

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