Chapter Tweleve

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I wake up at 6am to my alarm going off, get out of bed and get dressed into my jogging wear. I grab my water out of the fridge and put my joggers on before walking outside and seeing Melo sitting on the curb of the street playing with his basketball. He looks up at me and starts walking upto me...

LaMelo: Hey, can we talk Lani?

Kehlani: Talk to your new girlfriend Melo

LaMelo: What are you talking about?

Kehlani: Ashley answered your phone lastnight. What were you doing at hers?

LaMelo: you left me at practice I needed a ride, I had a shower at hers then hit up a party after.

Kehlani: So you couldn't pick up the phone when I called or sent me a text?

LaMelo: my phone died.

Kehlani: your phone died? Damn then I guess someone else has access to your instagram account cause it said you were active multiple times last night?

LaMelo: ight I'm sorry.

Kehlani: did you sleep with Ashley or what?

LaMelo: what? Lani be serious.

Kehlani: Did you or didn't you?

LaMelo: Ok, I slept with her but I was drunk and I honestly can't remember anything I just remember waking up next to her naked.

Kehlani: Oh so cause you were drunk it makes it okay to sleep with your ex?

LaMelo: Lani...

Kehlani: Leave me alone Melo.

I say putting my AirPods in and playing my playlist.

I start to jog away from Melo. And stop into Starbucks. I go upto the counter and ask her for the usual I then turn around and see Ashley and her group of skanks. The girl at the counter hands me my drink and I hand her a tip. As I'm walking towards the door Ashley comes upto me.

Ashley: Kehlani, how nice to see you. Give Melo my thanks.

Kehlani: thank him yourself hoe.

Ashley: I'm sorry what'd you call me?

Kehlani: Huh? Oh nothing
I say smirking.

Kehlani: anyways I better be off, have a wonderful day Ashley.
I say sarcastically. She gives me a fake ass smile and I leave the shop and start walking home.

Once I arrive home I see the Ball family in the backyard.

I go outside and see the boys playing ball I say hi to LaVar and Tina before heading upstairs getting into the shower. Once I finish I hop out of the shower and walk into my room only to see Melo.

Kehlani: What do you want Melo?

LaMelo: Why are you leaving for NewYork next week?

Kehlani: Cause I want to.

LaMelo: So what does it mean for us?

Kehlani: Melo, we should've just stayed friends from the beginning shits just to complicated in a relationship.

LaMelo: So what it's over?

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