Chapter Thirty-Two.

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2 years later.

A'marli was 5 years old and had just started home school, LaMelo and I agreed to stayed separated and co-parent on the days he has off. He was seeing Ana... again and I've been hanging out with Kelly Oubre from the Philadelphia76ers. Anywho...

The Charlotte Hornets and Philadelphis76ers were versing eachother tonight and I had to come to support Kelly but also bring A'marli to support her dad as I had promised Melo that we'd both attend all his games. Today I had had a broadcast/podcast thingy that was going on the radio and Spotify so I had to get Melo to watch A'marli for a couple hours and then we planned that I just take her home after the game instead of picking her up, going home then coming back. Kelly was out at practice so It was just me. 

I had left the house around 2pm as the interview was at 3pm and arrive at 2:45pm, I head into the radio station and sit down in the broadcast room where DJ Simale was (Made up) 

Simale: Did you wanna start early or wait until 3 cause we're all set up? 

Kehlani: Whatevers easier. 

Simale: We'll start early, just take a seat get comfy. Samantha can you grab her a bottle of water thanks. 

Samantha comes back in with water and I get comfy before Simale begins to broadcast. 

Simale: You what's good, it's DJ Simale and you are listening to hiphop radio where we are joined by the Kehlani Jordan, yes you heard right we have the Kehlani Jordan in the building ya'll! Now I'm not gonna waist anymore time and get straight into it. So Kehlani How are you today? 

Kehlani: I'm amazing, thanks for having me.  

Simale: Now we all know about yours and LaMelo Ball's history are you comfortable if we ask you questions about this topic? 

Kehlani: Go for It. 

Simale: Okay, okay, so you's obviously have a child together A'marli Ball who is very adorable by the way. 

Kehlani: Aw, thank you. yeah nah she's great. 

Simale: So everyone knows about Kelly Oubre and you how long has that been going on? 

Kehlani: about a year now, yeah. 

Simale: are ya'll official? 

Kehlani: It's complicated, well not complicated... I mean we are but we aren't if that makes sense? 

Simale: right, right and tonight Kelly and Melo's team are playing against eachother how you feeling about that. 

Kehlani: I feel fine actually, Melo met Kelly obviously they played on the same team for a bit but Melo doesn't seem to have an issue with him that I'm aware of but like again Melo and I don't talk about eachothers relationships with eachother as its just an awkward conversation to have with an ex and honestly the only thing we talk about is us and A'marli and when I say us I mean like our co-parenting. 

Simale: yeah, totally. So everyone's dying to know who you're going for tonight like are you going for LaMelo, Team baby daddy or Kelly, Team Man candy? 

Kehlani: Oh damn, um thats a difficult one can I go both? 

Simale: No, can only be one. 

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