Chapter Twenty-Eight

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(Gender Reveal Party)

The dress I was wearing:

Obviously picture it with a baby bump

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Obviously picture it with a baby bump.

The suit LaMelo's wearing:

The suit LaMelo's wearing:

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Party Decoration:

Party Decoration:

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We were back in Chino where my sister Evoni had planned Melo and I a baby shower. LaMelo and I stood in front of the Decorations to get a photo, Melo and I got a photo together and kissed me after the photo was taken I stood there rubbing my stomach I was feeling a lot of discomfort and I was feeling really warm, I had some lemonade and sat down in the shade with a hand fan, Melo was standing with Gelo, Zo, LaVar, Q and my father. They were having a drink and just talking whilst I sat with Evoni, Denise, Nadia, Tina and my mum. They were all talking and Evoni asked me a question... 

Evoni: So do you think it's a girl or a boy? 

Kehlani: A girl. 

Evoni: I reckon it's a boy. 

Mum: It'll be a girl. 

Nadia: definitely a girl. 

Tina: I think it's a boy. 

Denise: I reckon it's a boy. 

Kehlani: I'll be happy with either. 

Evoni: Do you reckon you'll want another kid after you have this one? 

Kehlani: I want to have at least 3. 

Evoni: true, can we all get a photo in front of the decorations? 

she asks the photographer. 

Everyone gets up and Evoni grabs her kids, Melo helps me up and we stand next to eachother he places one arm around my waist and I place mine just below his waist holding my hand on my bump everyone poses and the photographer take the photo, I get one with just my family after and then one with Melo and his family and then one with me and Nadia and Evoni.

Evoni: GENDER REVEAL TIME! can everyone film this please? 

Evoni hands us some colour cannons. 

Evoni: 3.....2....1...POP!

Melo and I pop the colour cannons and pink smoke comes out of them. 

Everyone cheers and Melo hugs me and kisses me. 

Mum: Shall we do presents? 

I sit down in a chair with LaMelo and start opening presents we got; bottles, dummies/pacifiers, baby toys, clothes of all sorts, bibs and burping cloths and formula. 

Melo and I thank everyone and he sits down with me while we eat, it gets dark and everyone's still partying. I feel another hot flash like I did before... as I stood up I almost fell but Melo caught me. 

LaMelo: yo bae , are you okay? 

Kehlani: yeah, I just feel really dizzy. 

LaMelo: Do you want me to take you to the hospital? 

Evoni walks over to us...

Evoni: Hey, are you alright?

LaMelo: She's feeling dizzy. 

Evoni: Have you drank water at all today?

I shake my head no and she grabs me a bottle of water from inside.

Evoni: Here drink this and go lay down on the couch inside in the aircon. If you're still not feeling good within the next hour, we'll take you to the hospital alright? 

I nod my head agreeing and Evoni helps me inside to the couch. I lay down and Melo comes inside a couple minutes later, sitting down putting my legs on his lap, he rubs my thighs and massages my feet. An hour later It starts raining and everyone comes inside. 

Evoni: How you feeling? 

I stand up and feel completely fine. 

Kehlani: Yeah I feel fine.

Evoni: alright well, parties over people. chill time now. Lani and Melo can have a shower first. Denise do you wanna help me bath these kids in the other bathroom? 

Denise and Evoni go bath Livarni and Valentino.

Melo and I go upstairs into his room to have a shower. Melo unzips the back of my dress taking it off and kissing my neck. he takes his suit off and we both get in the shower, he washes my back and I wash his. after we're done we both get out and get dressed I wear my Peter Alexander sleep wear and Melo wears his flannel long pants with no shirt. 

he leaves the room yelling goodnight to everyone before coming back in the room closing and locking his door. 


He comes over to me hovering over me smiling, he kisses my lips passionately before pulls my pants down going under the blankets and eating me out, after 5 minutes of that he comes back up to my face unbuttoning my top being cautious of my stomach. He kisses my neck and slowly inserts his member in me slowly thrusting in and out. he quietly moans and so do I, after 10 minutes he cums and so do I. he lays next to me and kisses my lips, he puts his TV on and holds me close to him before we both fall asleep. 

End of Chapter Twenty-Eight!! 

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