Chapter Eight

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My alarm goes off at 3am waking Melo and I up...

Melo: Damn, It's 3 already?

Melo turns on the lamp on his bedside table and rubs his eyes, I do to cause the light was to damn bright.

After a minute or two my eyes finally adjust to the light same with Melos. He leans over and kisses me before getting out of bed and getting ready. He goes into the bathroom brushes his teeth and comes back out. I then get out of bed do the same before getting dressed and ready for the flight.

This is the outfit:

Once I finish getting ready, I hear LaVar shout

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Once I finish getting ready, I hear LaVar shout...


Kehlani: Damn, I'm surprised your dad hasn't got any noise complaints yet.
I say to Melo.

LaMelo: Yeah honestly, I think the neighbours are scared of him to be honest.

Kehlani: probably aye.

Anyways Melo puts on Black sweatpants and a black hoodie and I grab my bags and place them at the bottom of the stairs, I then go back up and grab Melo's bags since he can't carry them downstairs and place them with my bags at the bottom of the staircase. Once I'm back in Melos room I pass him his crutches and grab my bag putting his pain killers in it and helping him downstairs. Once we reach the bottom of the staircase we go into the living room and sit on the couch. Soon Gelo, Voni and Zo come downstairs and into the living room. LaVar then walks in and starts to speak...

LaVar: You's ready to go?

We all nod.

LaVar: Ight, well the private cars are gonna arrive in 5 minutes so start taking your things outside.

We all get back up and grab out things taking them outside. The cars pull up and security guards step out and open the boot and side doors for us. Melo, Tina and I put out things in the cars boot and get in the car whilst the others get in the other car. The cars start to drive to the air port and we arrive an hour later we arrive and Melo, Tina and I get out of the car grab our bags and head inside, Once we get inside we put our bags through the X-ray vision scanner thingy's and then we go through the Metal detectors, Once thats all finished we head to the plane gate, show the lady out tickets and board first class. Everyone sits down, LaVar sits next to Tina, Gelo sits next to Evoni, Lonzo sits by himself and I sit next to LaMelo.

Melo and I watch a movie and fall back asleep, since it was like early as fuck, after a couple hours the plane lands and we grab our bags and start exiting off the the plane and out of the airport.

He yell's as we get outside.

2 cars pull up and we enter them starting to make our way to the hotel. After about 30 minutes we arrive to the hotel and everyone gets out and enters the hotel. LaVar hands us the room keys and starts talking.

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