Chapter Twenty-Two

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4 days later I check my phone seeing messages from LaMelo, I open them...


LaMelo: Hey, are you coming back home today?? I'll come and pick you up.

LaMelo: I'm sorry, can we please talk??

LaMelo: Lemme come pick you up.

Kehlani: aight.

LaMelo: Bet, on my way.

Lemme catch ya'll upto speed, Melo had his first official game on television but he played like absolute shit because he wasn't In the right headspace. at the end of the game Melo had broke down coming off the court. coach and the team had circled around him giving him a hug. I had been in bed depressed for the past couple of day, I swear I had not moved the entire time I was at Nadia and Q's, I didn't eat, didn't sleep, didn't do anything. eventually day 4 came around.


I turn my phone off, and pack up my things, 20 mins later Melo pulls up. I say goodbye to Nadia and Quinton and get in the car. LaMelo and I sit in silence until we get home, I enter the house and notice how clean it is. Melo follows behind me. I see the film crew and they were filming... I honestly couldn't care less.

I sit down on the couch and Melo sits across from me...

LaMelo: So how you been?

Kehlani: fine. you?

LaMelo: fine, been missing you like crazy.

Kehlani: well? you wanted to talk.

LaMelo: I just wanted to see you, and I'm really sorry for everything. I just wanna start over.

Kehlani: Melo...

LaMelo: I know it's easier said than done, but I really wanna be with you Lani you my number 1 remember?

Kehlani: your number 1? was I your number 1 when you cheated on me with some instagram model not to mention a whole ass old women? do you know how embarrassing that is? You don't because I have never not once felt the need to go off and cheat on you let alone with someone that's 11 years older than me. Look I'm gonna forgive you but I think It's best that we stay separated cause I've been offered a music deal In LA and I'm gonna take it and I don't think we could do the long distance, especially with the trust issues I now have with you.

LaMelo: Deal, what deal?

Kehlani: with L&B records (Love and beats - I made it up) and I'm leaving for LA next week, they got me an apartment and everything to stay in.

LaMelo: You serious? what about everything that we built?

Kehlani: It's done Melo. I'm sorry, Do whatever you want with my things I won't be taking them with me.

LaMelo: what you mean?

Kehlani: I'm starting fresh, can't let the past define me you know?

LaMelo: Keh-

Kehlani: Even if we did decide to get together it wouldn't work out, we'll both soon be traveling soon, me on tours, you and your basketball games we'd barely have time for each-other.

LaMelo put his face in his palms, and looks back at me his face was all read and puffy and I walked over to him sitting next to him. I grab his hand, he looks at me tears in his eyes.

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