Ch. 1: The first meeting

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*The Day Starts with Country Music playing while i was happily getting out of work, Being a Package handler at FedEx, I turned on my Serento and Got out of the parking lot, all the sudden, Mom started to call me.*

Me: hey Mom, just got out of work.

Mom: good, when you get home, I feel like there's something I need to show you.

Me: Alrighty, is it okay if I get Wendy's on the way home?

Mom: We are actually going to have some pizza tonight, I thought you liked that.

Me: and I do thanks for telling me that now, Alright, see you at home. *Hangs up, suddenly I thought a disturbance in the force, an albino boy tired, hungry, and unhealthy, up by The waffle House, I didn't know why but this disturbance was so strong it made me confused, so I pulled into the parking lot and sure enough, I found him and he was just like what the force described him as... I slowly put the car in park and I slowly walked to the boy, he seemed to have been scared... I went inside ordered something for him*

Employee: (Had a Friendly 70's Male Voice) Hey, newcomer?

Me: Yes Sir, but the order is not for me... I don't know if you're aware, but there's an albino boy outside and I felt like I needed to use one of my random acts of kindness to order him food...

Employee: That's so wonderful of you, tell you what it's on me, on the house... Just some classic buttery waffles, and if he's cold, some sweet hot cocoa! I made it myself... I used to work at a chocolate factory, I now use that knowledge to make the best hot chocolate in this place, ever so friendly.

Me: Passionate, I like you dude, is this going to cost me anything?

Employee: Ah Nah, Man you're doing something nice for'a youngin' stranger, other advice if you can I would take care of him, take responsibility of him, and  guard him with your life, words are I've been hearing from friends anywhere coming here that he's run away from an abusive family... Perhaps he's one of them Louds that has been mistreated.

Me: That is terrible. *I slide a 5 dollar bill, So that i could get myself a hot chocolate as well* Alright, you have a good one.

Employee: You too, tell him we got friendly service anytime.

Me: Will do, Sir.

*I came out the door, and He was still here, but he also looked weak and cold, I also saw something electrocuting around his neck, this was no ordinary case... I needed to tell someone about this... Then I saw a blue and white van, pulling into the driveway, I quickly and carefully grab the boy and the food for him, and we drove out of the parking lot, luckily they did not see Lincoln and they did not see me*

*Back home*

Me: Can I get some help here?? *My Dad quickly rushed to grab the boy from my arms and place him gently on the couch, while I placed his food right next to him, Noah and Raz had no idea what was going on*

Dad: Josh! Why did you bring this child home?

Me: I felt it in the force, he felt really weak and hungry, so I brought him here he needs hospitality.

*We hear electricity crackle and it came from his neck*

Mom: What the heck is that in his neck?

Me: I think we need to get him to the ER, whatever that is... This has got to be dangerous... I don't know if that is either a DNA Tracking Chip or an internal shock collar...

Dad: fine, we will take care of him, but Joshua, he sleeps with you!

Me: Alright, Okay!


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