Ch. 11: Together Again

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Lori: So Where's Joshua?

Lincoln: He helped me Ressurect You, But he... Left... To be honest i am going to miss him, Still it won't mean i am gonna let those memories go to waste. Next Time, I see you or the other sisters against Me, I will Turn YOU into a Human Pretzel.

Lori: Understood.

*Rita and Lynn Sr Saw Lori With Lincoln and Were happy to see them getting along, They Brought the Two Home and Lori got all the love back after being eliminated..*

Lori: Now Listen Girls, Nobody will take advantage of Lincoln, He loves us, and He does everything for us, We have to love him and do the same for him. That is final, No One Will Take Advantage of Lincoln! Am I Clear?

Sisters: Yes Ma'am.

*For the Next 2 Weeks Everything was going according to Plan, and No One Took advantage of Lincoln, But there was still some bad blood In Lynn Loud Jr*

*She sneaked into Lisa's Room and Tried some experiments on herself, She is lucky Lisa keeps them Labeled, Otherwise she would have put herself in food poisoning or worse.*

*She drank a Blue Potion for Strength, A Yellow Potion For Speed, and A Red Potion For Combustion Powers, Then She took her bike and left to go Do something really bad*

*3 Hours Later, At The Dinner Table*

Lincoln: Together At Last...

Lori: Thanks for not moving on without me, bro. I think I would have reacted the same way if you died.

Lincoln: I don't even want to think about death at this point.

Lori: Agreed.

Lincoln: Anyone Know Where Lynn Jr Is? I thought she never miss out on pizza.

*Cell Phone Rings*

Rita: I Got It. *Answers It* Hello?

???: Ms. Loud, It's Joshua, It's Lynn Jr, she's wreaking havoc in my neighborhood!!

Lynn Sr: That's not right I thought she'd be in her room.

???: Well, why don't you see for yourself?

*Lynn Sr checks and Sure Enough Lynn Jr Was not in the room*

Me: Now do you believe me??

Lincoln: What's happening over there?

Me: It's Lynn Jr, Lincoln, it appears she's gotten stronger... Maybe she drank some kind of potions and now she's here! I need some help and fast, Please. Gotta Go! *Hangs Up*

*Everyone was shocked at what was just heard*

Lisa: Did that guy mention she "drank" some of my experiments??

Lincoln: Yyyeaaahh???

Lisa: Those experiments are Not Safe and not meant to be drank! We have to stop Lynn Jr...

Lincoln: and save Joshua and his family.

Lori: I just hope he doesn't knee kick me in the face.

Lincoln: He Won't, He Brought you back to life and he won't take back his word.

Lori: Alright, Let's go save them!

Lynn Sr: Everybody in Vanzilla. *Everybody piles in, Only leaving Thr Sweet Spot for Lincoln*

Luna: Hop In, Dude, You get The Sweet Spot, you're better than all of us, and you deserve it.

Lincoln: Thanks Guys. *He sits in the Sweet Spot and gets comfy, As they are on their way to do what any loud can do!*


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