Ch. 12: Never Trust Luck

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*The Drive to My House took a While, They Suddenly ran out of Gas On the Freeway*

Lincoln: Stay In The Car, I'll get us there in time!

Rita: What are you doing?

Lisa: It's okay, He knows what he is doing, Put the Van In Neutral!

*They did as she said*

*Lincoln uses his strength and rage together to push the van through the Freeway and Ends up making it there in less than a Minute, and Sees most of the house having Holes in it, and The Fair Family tied up except for Myself, Who i just held my ground, Seeing Lincoln i smiled, He came charging into Lynn Jr and Threw Her down the Stairs fought her through the Basement, Rita and Lana Came in and Cut the Ropes, and Evacuated The Fairs out of the Household, but then they look at me*

Dad: What are you waiting for? C'mon!

Me: I have to stay and protect Lincoln and get the Valuables out of the Way.

Dad: It wasn't a request.

Me: I will not let someone i love die on MY WATCH!!

*Dad came and Gave me a hug*

Dad: Stay Safe, Go Get Her!

Me: Also, If it helps, Get the Safes out of here, Better safe than sorry!

Dad: Good Idea.

*We went our ways, Lynn Jr Seems to have been getting the Upper Hand, As She brings Strong Kicks to his body, She was about to deal One More, but I came in just in time with the force and held her still and dropped an Office Chair on her body, the Wheel hitting Her "Underneath." Lincoln couldn't help but snicker at Lynn Jr's Pain*

Me: Rule Number 3!

*Lynn Jr then removed the Chair as She And I Fought, Lincoln Being Her As My Backup, She Punched Me and Lincoln Dealt A Furious Elbow Blow to the Back of the Head, She then turned to Lincoln Who She Deals a sneaky kick, While I gave her a Critically Hard Punch to her face*

*We nod at eachother, and Trade Blows at Lynn Jr For 2 Minutes, As Lincoln Kicks Lynn Jr in My Arms*

Me: Here comes the Kryptonite! *I throw her over my head and hits the cabinets knocking her out, Lisa Rushes in and Gives her a Power Draining Shot*

*We then carry up and out of the house, She slowly started to wake up, I gave a mean stare at her*

Me: You lay destruction to our neighborhood, Pressured my Patience, Almost Killed My Brother! You!

Lynn Jr: I just wanted to show you my power, assert dominance, What's the point if i can't be strong!

Me: I don't know why you did this Lynn Jr... But the punishment is not up to me. It is up to him.

*Lincoln steps forth*

Lincoln: This is all because of That game, Isn't It!

Lynn Jr: And You can't get rid of this memory.

Lincoln: I know I can't.

Me: I can't either.

The Loud Family: None of us can.

Lincoln: But someone once told me that failure is the greatest teacher of all, There will always be times when Your Moment Comes, But you don't choose that moment, That moment Chooses you.

Lynn Jr: Thanks Linc... A Ghandi Original?

Lincoln: Nope, That Is A Fair Family special, I got it from Someone and his family that means a lot to me.

Lynn Jr: So you consider yourself a Fair Now?

Lincoln: Nah, But if i have to, In case if you fight me or injure me.

Lynn Jr: i am a terrible sister...

Lincoln: Maybe Lynn, Maybe, But that alone doesn't stop me from Loving You.

Lynn Jr: How?

Lincoln: Because you are my sister, No matter what.

Lynn Jr: You are such a Golden Heart sometimes, You know that?

Lincoln: What is so wrong with that?

Lynn Jr: Nothing *chuckles*

*Lincoln helps Lynn Jr To Her Feet*


*Everyone came running to the noise in the basement and it was me, I was holding a Broken Oculus Headset*

Lori: Were back to this??

Lincoln: Loorriiii...

Lori: What? Uuuuggggghhhh.... If you want, I can lend in some money for a Headset Or Two.

Leni: Us Too! For Helping Lincoln Like us Again.

Me: This is nice Guys, Thank You, All Of You! *The Loud Family gave me a hug, Of Course Lincoln joined in*

Lincoln: From this day forward, Louds and Fairs are no longer at War with Eachother, For We are together as Friends and Family in Jesus' Name!

Me: That's my brother.

*Me and Him Shake Hands*


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