Ch. 9: The Revenge Of The Sisters

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*Bang On The Shoe, In Luan's Room?*

Luan: Lynn Jr, Lola, Lisa, Perhaps, You Three are Wondering why i brought you here.

Lola: Because of Lincoln?

Luan: No Doubt About it, I for one, Want to get back at Lincoln For What he punished us to do! We Need to Revive Lori and make Her Stronger, We four can't do this on our own.

Lisa: I for One Agree, Luan, But How do you suppose we do that?

Lynn Jr: We start small and then we go big, Once we do that, We can Try to Eliminate Joshua and His Family!

Luan: Got it, That's the plan, Lola, You distract Lincoln. Lynn Jr, Tear up his Stuffed Animal. Lisa, Get to work on a Type of Healing Potion. I will come up with Puns to Insult Lincoln So Bad!

*What they didn't notice was that Lincoln Heard everything without making a noise, He clued his parents in on the Situation, They Understood, and He was told to Hide Bun-Bun, Turn Off the lights and Scare them*

*Lynn Jr came into his room, She tried to turn on the lights, But it seems Lincoln broke the Lights, Luckily she kept a spare flashlight, She turned it on, Seeing Lincoln with a Creepy Smile, Her Eyes flickered, Then saw him closer to her, They Fought, Going Back and Forth in the Halls*

Lola: Guess I have to be the one to do the Job... *She walks slowly to Lincoln's Room and Saw The Parents Blocking her path*

*What they didn't notice was Lori was Healed and Strengthened Thanks to Lisa's Heal Link Hack, 15 Minutes Later, There were Bodies on the Floor, Lori Majorly Injured them All, and She used her extra strength to Get to the Loud House*

*Meanwhile, Lincoln had Lynn Jr Restrained and Tied up in a Chair, It may be tightening her blood flow now that i mention it*

*Lynn Sr Spanked Lola for Disobedience, and Rita snagged Luan, Because she was Next*

*Suddenly the Door, Was Thrown Open, It was Lori*

Rita: Oh no....

Lynn Sr: Lori, I don't know how you got back here..

Lincoln: It's Lisa, She healed and Strengthened Lori!

*Lincoln and Lori Locked Eyes, Lightning connected between Eyes, Lori Charged for him and they fought Outside*

*Out of Nowhere, I used the Force to Travel Into the Loud House and I helped with the Spanking and Got Lisa Out of her room before anything else could go wrong*

*Lincoln and Lori Were fighting fierce, It Seemed Lori Got Stronger Somehow, She Was Dealing Strong Blows Left to Right and Dealt a Strong Knee Kick to Lincoln's Heart, She felt Ready to deal the Final Blow, So She Grabbed Lynn Jr's Bat and With All Her Speed and Might, But The Bat was Stopped from hitting him by an Inch, How? Lincoln faintly looked to his Left and Saw Me, Using the Force to Hold Her still, once she looked to her right and saw me, she redirected her swing at me luckily she missed*

Lori: How dare you interfere!

Me: You try to play the dumb game and pretend you all love looking back yet nothing remains the Same when Lincoln sees all of you... Perhaps I never told him what "everyone" done to him... *I use my other spells to Get These memories that I'm about to say into Lincoln's head* The time Luna blaster speakers up to 11 and blasted Lincoln into a wall... The time Lincoln took the blame for Lucy when she was the one who clogged that book in the toilet... That makes two more sisters that are less innocent than the other three... I will admit I was beginning to like those two... But how will they explain to their parents what they did.

*Lincoln hearing all these memories then got enraged, he then shoved me out of the way, and put up his full rage unleashing a combo of critical punches left and right, but Lori stepping out of her comfort zone, she caught Lincoln's hands, and kicked him hard in the face, Lynn Sr and Rita saw the whole thing, I looked at them, and then back at their parents, there was only one way to make this stop... This will make me hate them for a while, Lori was about to deal final blow once more, but I rushed in, knee kicked her and snapped her neck, after a loud pop, the whole house was silent... And Lori collapsed*

*Sentimental Music*

*Everyone heard the sound, Lincoln snapped out of his rage and felt lamented by the sight of Lori unresponsive, He ran to her*

Me: He's not going to let me apologize... I need to go into hiding... When you get the chance tell him what really happened... I'm sorry I had to end like this but she wasn't going to stop... I really wish she would though...

Rita: Just Go.

Me: Yes Ma'am. *I flew out and back*

*Lincoln holding Lori in his arms*

Lincoln: Lori? Lori! *He takes his fingers and places them to where her pulse was on her wrist, Then Tries to hear a Heartbeat, He then Sobs when there was no heartbeat* no... No! *He lets her go from his arms*

Lynn Sr: He is gonna blow!

Lincoln: *The Rage was Louder than ever, His Rage Burned the paint off the walls and even broke glass accessories* NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Luna and Leni, Ran to the Site, Lucy, Was truly shocked seeing the Eldest Sister Died by the Snap of her neck.. Rita came and comforted her son, Lynn Sr was Shaking his head in sorrow and regret, that she couldn't stop hating Lincoln, Lynn Jr was shocked when she came down and saw what happened after Lisa Untied her*

*Meanwhile, I Made it back*

Mom: Joshua! You Okay??

Me (Mourn): There's so much I need to tell you and Dad about... I may have stopped the chaos, but not in the way everyone wanted it to end.

Mom: This better be good.

*Meanwhile, At The Loud House, 2 Days Later, the loud family said their goodbyes to Lori, except for Lincoln who was at home heartbroken, holding a torn up bun-bun...*


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