Ch. 4: On the Other side

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(1 Week and A 6/7 Earlier)

Lynn Jr: How did they Escape!!?

Lucy: I never seen those abilities before.

Lynn Jr: Even with... Uh... Whatever you said, He is not stronger than me, Especially with that Bad Luck Around.

Lori: So Now, A Wizard with no staff is protecting Lincoln...

Lola: There is a lower chance we are getting him back.

Lucy: I honestly have to agree with her, Who knows how powerful he is, Or how Strong Lincoln can become when trained by him.

Lisa: Au Contraire, I know where to find, Male Sibling, It's science, part of "Mohawk mage's" hair fell off and i can use a device to find him and Lincoln!

Lynn Jr: How long will this take?

Lisa: Well, fifth oldest sibling... Strangle me if you must but this will take 4 days.

Lynn Jr: 4 Days!!?

Lucy: Sigh...

Lola: We'll just have to deal with it, if there is any chance of finding that Sibling Thief and Lincoln, we gotta do what we got to do.

Lisa: Wise words, third youngest sibling...

*3 Days Later, Lynn jr was training (Bat Swings, Kicks, and Punches), Lori was deepening her rage from The breakup with Bobby, Luna, Leni, Lana, and Lily decided to Stay silent and they plan to side with Lincoln, But which parent will side with them to defend Lincoln?*

Luna: Mom?

Rita: Yes?

Luna: Can I Talk to you for a second?

Rita: Sure.

*Luna looks over to see "no one who hates Lincoln" is in the halls, once it was clear she shut the door, Leni, Lana, and Lily were also inside the room*

Luna: Mom, we need to come clean...

Rita: Okay...

Leni: We don't want to come along on this "hating Lincoln" cycle... If anything I want to help defend him.

Lana: Same, Now he's out there on his own with that mage which by the way I think he's actually in good hands, don't you think Lynn Jr and the rest might be taking this a little too far?

*Lily then looked at her mother with puppy dog eyes, Rita then started to sweat, but then started to cry, remembering the good times she had with Lincoln*

Rita: I love Lincoln as much as all of you, ever since he was born... He stole my little angel boy of love and support.

Luna: So?

Rita: You convinced me fine to spare Lincoln, but you seen what Lynn Jr would have done if that male stranger hadn't been there to protect him... I just don't know if Lincoln can forgive me for being a manipulated by Lynn Jr like the rest...

Luna: He will...

Leni: We can explain to him everything, I just don't know if That Guy would let us reason with him... Our only other hope is to Guard Lincoln with our life, even if it means that our own siblings are going to kill us to get to him...

Rita: Alright, So that's the plan, when the time comes we will betray the rest, and protect Lincoln. I will not lose my position as mother.

Luna: Cool... We got Mom on board, I'm not sure if we can convince Dad too.

Rita: I will chat with him, but I can't promise that he's absolutely going to be on the same page as we are.

*But sure enough, it was only a brief explanation but she said enough for him to say yes, 4 days later, Lisa found the location, and everyone got in vanzilla equipped what they needed, and pulled out of the driveway, Little did the loud family know they wouldn't stand even a little chance versing what they're up against*


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