Ch. 3: Street Fighter

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*A Montage Shows Of Me and Lincoln in the Backyard*

Me: I believe it is time i Train you on how to defend yourself For reasons, That Might as well be useful in the future.

*I stab 2 Poles in the Ground*

Lincoln: I don't know if fighting makes me a better person...

Me: Well, Bullies Will be everywhere, Wanting to pick a Fight, So I figure it is better you are at least Taught and able to defend yourself.

Lincoln: Well... Alright.

Me: Show me how you punch.

*Lincoln punches at my hand with Good power, Progress will build up, A Montage now shows him Punching and Hand fighting on the Punching Bag or At The Poles Outside*

Me: Whenever You Hold a Specific Emotion, The Extra Power and Flexibility is great, But you have to learn not to be insulted or flipped off, Don't let any emotion make you lose your focus.

Lincoln: Got it.

*We worked on Emotions for a While, and went back to the previous activities, as he was getting faster and stronger, The Day i saw how fast and strong he can punch and fight, I knew he was ready, Then we sat and Watched TV together for a while,*

*1 Week and A Half Later*

Me: You done Well, Lincoln, Your Training has been completed.

Lincoln: Sweet... I feel like you want me to repeat back everything i learned.

Me: Well, We can spar for a bit, But we can't hurt eachother, You are like a Second Brother to me.

Lincoln: Got it, and As do I to You. *Gets in stance, as Do I*

Me: Begin.  *We walk to eachother and start off slow, and we sped up a bit, We sparred for 3 Minutes, But he managed to finish it with the Sweep Kick, I just laid there amazed* I taught you well...

Lincoln: Indeed. *He gave me his hand and lifted me to my feet* Brother. *We gave eachother a High five*

*Somewhere not far from our house*

Lynn Jr: We are gonna get that little son of a b****... And soon, There will no longer be the unluckiest of flesh and blood.

*Rita was deep in thought, She didn't want to act now, But she thought that this has gone too far*


If this is too short for you, I am sorry, but this is most likely a chapter where you use your imagination.

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