Ch. 2: Know Your People

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*Lincoln was immediately taken to the ER, At 6:41pm*

Me: When I felt something in the force... I knew i just couldn't ignore it, It was a Sign from God to Give Aid To The Boy...

Mom: You did the Right thing.

Dad: You know we can't keep him forever, Y'know that Right?

Me: It depends... Because the employee said That The boy had to run away because his family was abusive... There is a small chance of returning him back... Because if we do, Then something like this will happen again.

Dad: *sigh* Y'know I wonder why you were born in the middle....

Me: I wonder about that too. *I then felt something in the force*

Mom: What is it?

Me: A Threat to the boy, maybe near.

Doctor (Careful Female Voice):  Fairs?

Me: That's Us.

*We went into the room, where we see the Lincoln Slowly waking up*

Me: C'mon buddy, Fight it.

*His eyes completely open and see us*

Lincoln: Who are you guys? Where Am I? Are my Abusive Sisters Near?

Mom: Woah woah, Slow down...

Me: We are The Fairs, Joshua, This is my Dad, And My Mom, I was the one who found you and brought you in, You were pretty Tired, Hungry, and Cold...

Lincoln: Thanks, and Nice to meet you guys, I take it I am in a Hospital?

Me: Yeah.

*We all hear chatter coming from the Parking Lot, Lincoln quick to react Grabs My hand*

Lincoln: My Sisters have been on the hunt for me, I need all of you to defend me, and For someway to believe me rather than my abusive family, If they find me, They are gonna do something worse than throw me outside, because they thought i was bad luck!

*My parents were shocked when they heard what Lincoln said, It didn't sound like he was kidding*

Me: I got it!

???: Lincoln... Where are you?

Dad: That must be the Abusive Family, That the Boy was talking about.

*I use the force to Blockade the Door on both Sides, and I Hacked the TV in the room, ending up going across every network in the world, I set Up a Camera, With It Recording I quickly got my message before things could get worse*

Me: To Everyone, In the World, Please Listen, This Young Boy landed in the hospital due to his Family's Actions *The TV's Show "The Loud Family" Pictures While i Spoke* Would A Regular Family Meddle with their Child's Love life? *Shows a Clip from "Heavy Meddle" of How the Loud sisters handled it* *Shows People All over the world murmuring about the clip* Would an Older sibling React like this before even reasoning with their sibling? *Shows a Clip from "Save the Date"* *Shows People All over the World, Gasping at the Clip* Would A Family decide to throw him outside because of So-Called Bad Luck? *Shows a Clip from "No Such Luck"* *The People Across The World Exclaim in Discouraging Surprise*
Would A Family decide to Disclude a Sibling from A Sibling Fight Protocol?
*Shows A Clip Or Two From "Brawl In The Family"* *The people across the World gasp* The Answer to All of those Questions... No, A Normal Family would never do this, I say this Family needs to be taught a lesson! I say Lincoln loud, Should not consider himself a Loud, After everything that happened! Who is with me? *The People Across the World Agree and Cheer, The Governments then come to Agreement that The Loud Family will be considered to be Hunted down* God Bless You, And Thanks for listening to this message. *The Loud Family tried to open the door, But as soon as we heard the Firetruck and Police Cars, The Firefighters helped us escape as We Needed to Jump out to Escape.*

Lincoln: Joshua!?

Me: Don't worry, I won't let go! This is our only way out, We gotta go!

Mom: Give him to me!

*I did as she said, I use the force to remove the glass window and use it against the door, and They jumped, Lincoln held on to my mom and they safely landed on the Cushion, And My Dad was right behind her, I decided to confront the Loud Family to see who they were, So I removed the stuff from the door, and They Barged it open, I clench my fist*

Lynn Jr: Surrender!

Me: Ain't Happenin'. So you are the infamous loud family, What shame do you have to say for yourself?

Lori: Us? Shame?

Me (Serious): Yes.

*They all were taken back by my tone, So Serious*

Me: Explain to me, Why I shouldn't rip your careless, abusive hearts... One by One.

Lynn Sr: Because Lincoln is our Son and if you don't give him to us, Then you die.

Me: Or Maybe if i give him to you, He will die, Because of your Blind Judgement and Abusiveness, I heard from him about the time he was thrown outside, discluded from the sister fight protocol, All of what you did to him, Play dumb all you want, I will not take it back.

*The Loud family was shocked that Lincoln even told me about all the bad events in his life.*

Lynn Jr: I have ran out of patience... *Charges for me, I close my eyes and i move the ground to make the floor infront of me a wall, and I jumped out and made my escape, Landed on the cushion, and we were out of here*


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