Ch. 5: Lincoln Vs Lynn Jr First Fight

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*Me and Lincoln were watching The price is right, when suddenly I felt a disturbance in the force*

Lincoln: You Okay?

Me: Their Here. Your Sisters... But don't worry, I will be by your side, just stay close to me and remember your training.

Lincoln: Got it.

Mom: Uh Joshua? Was that the same vehicle we saw at the hospital?

Me: Yeah... Me and Lincoln will handle it.

Mom: it's not just going to be you too we're going to stand by you as well. We are your parents and... At this point I'd rather feel like we're useful.

Me: Alright.

*We opened the Garage Door, and Lincoln went out first*

Lincoln: I didn't expect you to find me that easy... The ones that saved me told me that the DNA chip was removed from my neck

Lisa: Quite elementary-ish, Male Sibling.

*I somersaulted out and beside Lincoln*

Me: Louds. *Cracked Knuckles*

*Lisa gulped*

Rita: Before There Will Be Blood and Bones broken, can we give us a chance to explain what happened first?

Dad: That depends.. 

Mom: If you want to call him bad luck again...

Me: You will have to go through ME. *While I was saying "me" lightning formed in my eyes glowing turquoise, Making the louds step back*

Lynn Jr: I ran out of patience.

Lynn Sr: Get him...

*They walk to the four of us, only to find out half of the sisters and both the parents are against The other half*

Lynn Jr: WHAT!? are you doing!?

Rita: Lynn Jr... This has gone on for long enough...

Leni: Nobody kills our brother.

Mom: I can't believe what's happening right now....

Me: I honestly don't believe it either.

*Lynn Jr felt like she had enough she barged out of the way of the crowd, and tried to fight Lincoln, putting power in her strikes but missing every single one of them while Lincoln on the other hand, made sure to block or redirect her strikes and then counter hit her if necessary, Lynn Sr and Rita were about to stop this, but I got in their way*

Me: Lynn Jr wanted this fight, she's going to learn this the way it's going to happen... Let them Fight.

*They have to admit I was right, at the moment Lincoln was gaining the upper hand with proper hand blocking techniques, only making Lynn Jr pissed off, she tackled Lincoln and landed hits on him while he was down, when all the sudden his eyes glowed red, and Lynn Jr was immediately blasted right off him, I was shocked of what just happened and so were both families, Lynn Junior recovering from the blast which was knocked into a tree, Shook it off and Saw Lincoln on the other end of the cul-de-sac raged up, she charged at him while he did the same, what Lynn Jr did not notice, was that Lincoln was running a lot faster than her, causing Lincoln to cause a plowing hit to the face, Knocking her out on the concrete, but as soon as she was knocked out the other sister's that were against Lincoln tried to jump in and stop him*

Me: okay we can take your word for it and we need to stop this, you two got your daughters, I got Lincoln.

Lynn Sr: Alright.

*Lynn Sr and Separated their Daughters from Lincoln, Who i also Dragged back*

Me: Deep breath, Lincoln, deep breaths, you are better than this, the world has not given hope up on you yet, my brother. You would never hurt your other sisters without a purpose... And you wouldn't hurt those you love.

*Lincoln breathing slowly and returned to normal*

Lincoln: What happened?

Me: To be honest, but I don't know, but right now it would be best if no one else pisses you off.

Rita: Agreed, I think you bruised a lot of Lynn Jr's bones for one day, but that's on her she wanted this fight.

Me: It's true.

Lynn Sr: We are going to come inside the house with a friendly re-greeting, if there ever was a so much as another fight, temper, or disobedience to the owners of this house you all are grounded, especially Lynn.

Rita: Is That Clear!?

Sisters: Yes Sir.

Lynn Sr: Now grab your sister and let's go inside...

*Everyone did as said*


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