Ch. 10: Why did it have to end like this

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*It has Been 4 Months since Lori's Funeral, Lincoln has been trying to move on thanks to counseling and his parents helping him through all of it... But had absolutely less than half of success, he has not been coming out of his room kindly and even keeps giving mean deadly stares at his sisters, because he has never forgotten what they did to him, the only ones who haven't been hated by Lincoln are Leni, Lana, and Lily*

*Lynn Sr Enters his Room*

Lynn Sr: Can We Talk?

Lincoln: Just close the door behind you, I don't care!

Lynn Sr: You're not in trouble... I think it's time you knew the truth of what happened 4 months ago...

Rita: We believe Josh, may have went overboard, plus he even regretted what he did... I telling us he was sorry and he wishes that Lori never hated you like this.

Lincoln: This hate between me and Lori... It's just so sad... I wish there was more I could do... To stop this the way I want it to.

Lynn Sr: and we don't disagree... You know when she was revived or strengthened it was not her second chance... We had the siblings who were in on that plan, Grounded, and told them they deserved it.

Lincoln: They Do, but what about Joshua? He deserves punishment for Killing my sister!

Rita: Lincoln, again, we don't disagree... He said he regretted what he did.

Lincoln: I don't even know if I could trust him anymore...

Rita: You don't have to... But he was the one who found you, brought you in and helped you... There's no doubt that in that body he wants to help you again... I'm not forcing you to trust him again.

Lynn Sr: but we ask you as your parents, your allies, and some people who are willing to help you... Don't carry all this hate for Joshua, just because he killed your sister. I bet he's trying to revive her right now...

Rita: We can drive you over there now.

*Lincoln reluctantly gets up from his bed and gets in the car, They Parked the Van at The Graveyard, and there stood a body infront Of Lori's Grave*

*Lincoln Walks To the grave*

Lincoln: Do I have every right to yell in your face for killing my sister?

Me: Yes, do I have every right to apologize and regret what I did and to think it's not too late to do the right thing again?

Lincoln: I guess...

Me: Aside from the Hate, berating, and all the human pretzel threats... I can tell she meant a lot to you...

Lincoln: She did... I want you to revive her, is the only way I'll let go of my hate for you for killing her.

Me: *exhale* You know that if I do this, this will be the biggest favor I'm going to do for you... Once I revive her it's done, do not waste this chance, and I will take my leave as soon as she is revived, Understood?

Lincoln: Alright... *He clings to me*

Me: One for the road?

Lincoln: *crying* Yeah...

Me: I love you too bud... Let's get on with it. *Let's go of the hug, I float off the Ground, I Summon Lightning, And it struck the Grave, it lifted the body, while I spoke in ancient egyptian demon language to revive her, her body of a skeleton reforming the muscles, the fat, the skin, and everywhere else, she exhales* It appears my work here is done. *I vanish*

*Lincoln slowly Walks to Lori*

Lincoln: Lori?

*Lori coughs a bit then looks at Lincoln*

Lori: Lincoln? Where A- *Interrupted by Lincoln Sobbing and Clinging onto her, she was so confused as to what was going on but feeling the love that was in that hug, she hugged him back*

*I was watching from the gate*

Me: Have Fun, Little Bro... *I Use the Wind and Wind Powers to fly back home*

Mom: So did you do it?

Me: Yeah, Lincoln will no longer be suffering... At least I don't think so.

Mom: You did the right thing, I'm proud of you, now come on, Dad's making dinner.

Me: Alright.


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