I will be waiting for you for even 10,000 years..

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Lan wangji: Wei Ying.. Please come back with me to gusu..

Wei wuxian: Really lan Zhan? I'm sorry lan Zhan but I will have to decline your offer.

Wei Ying almost fell, and lan wangji catched him but Jiang wanyin tried pushing them. But Wei wuxian blocked it by themselves turn around, but since Jiang wanyin pushed them too hard making Wei Ying almost fell down the cliff but lan wangji fell down holding Wei ying's hand. And lan wangji looks at Wei Ying trying to make Wei wuxian stop holding his hand

Lan wangji: Wei Ying! Stop holding my hand, and let me fall..

Wei wuxian: No! I won't let you unless you fall with me!

As expected Wei wuxian fell down with lan wangji and hugging him
(Dam I need someone with me like that as if we fell down together..🥲)
But Jiang wanyin didn't expect that to happen, he looked down and didn't saw them both.

With the couple

They're still falling not even reaching the ground like they are flying
Lan wangji hugged back as soon before he died with Wei wuxian
(But Wei wuxian ain't dying💀)
They reaches the ground 2 minutes later,  and now the corpses heard the thud sounds, so they walked to the sound and saw lan wangji but didn't even see Wei wuxian like he is a hallucination, when they saw lan wangji... They ran towards lan wangji and.....They actually ate him, but after the corpses ate him, they went back to their spots.

1 hour later..
(Idk why he doesn't literally woke up before his beloved lan Zhan is dead and eaten by corpses 🙄, this idea was not mine, but this ideas came from my friends but they don't actually use wattpad I think.)

Wei wuxian woke up, in shock and anger seeing lan wangji dead and eaten by titan- corpses.

Wei wuxian: lan Zhan? Wake up.. No.. You can't actually be dead after a minute now..

Wei wuxian's eyes started to be teary, as soon as one of the tears fall off one by one.
He doesn't know why the person or corpses didn't ate him, and he carry him (bridal style) and he stands up, he looked at the burial grounds, he doesn't known which way to go, so he randomly selected any way. It was quite a long walk and he walked over 2 hours now, he continued walking even though he is tired, but at the same time he is still not giving up until his legs is tired to walk. After 2 hours, he finally saw a place, but somehow he didn't thought that the place he was imagined to go to, was a palace?

(This is how the palace looks like in the outside)

(This is how the palace looks like in the outside)

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