the discontinuation 😏

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It has been 1 month now.

Wei wuxian always have a headache the last time I saw him with that girl..

Lan wangji has been helping Wei wuxian lately, Wei wuxian was rejecting his help.

His condition was bad, but it seems like he has been cursed by someone.

It was until Wei wuxian turned unconscious.

Wei wuxian woke up to see 2 women and a boy, he summoned 3 swords and was ready to attack the people in front of him. "Who are you? " Wei wuxian asked.

Lan wangji and the 2 women were astonished, this has never happened before.

"I asked, who are you? " Wei wuxian glares at them, as his swords were at their necks.

"Answer me. " Wei wuxian said, Wei wuxian hates people when they don't answered his questions.

"No reply huh? Guess I could kill you myself. " Wei wuxian said, he made the swords closer to their neck ready to slash them until li jing introduced herself and her friends.

Li jing explained everything to him.

"... " Wei wuxian kept being silent.

Wei wuxian sighs, and teleported out of the room which surprises lan wangji.

"Friends huh? I don't even have friends. " Wei wuxian said, he hates a word called 'friends', Wei wuxian never had those when he became a demon emperor.

"A-huan! " Wei wuxian shouted to summon qiu huan. Qiu huan appeared. "Yes my Lord? " qiu huan asked.

"Who are these people, and why are they calling me a friend of theirs? " Wei wuxian asked, qiu huan glances at him.

"My Lord, they were your friends. " qiu huan replied, Wei wuxian got a headache.

"Friends, I don't believe that go back. " Wei wuxian said, qiu huan disappeared. Wei wuxian were angered, he punched the wall making a big hole.

'I don't believe in friends. 'Wei wuxian said, he disappeared.

"I believe his going to be Claude from lovely princess. " wang yi said.

"Claude? Lovely princess? " lan wangji asked, he was confused.

"It's nothing. " wang yi replied.

Wei wuxian teleported to his office, he grabbed his head. "Who were even are they? I've never met them before, and why am I always getting a headache when I see that boy? " Wei wuxian asked.

Wei wuxian noticed that he forgotten something, it's about the war and that humans.

'The war, I forgot about it. 'Wei wuxian thought, as he summoned ye jingji. "Yes my Lord? " ye jingji asked.

"Command all of the soldiers, we are going to have a war with those mortals. " Wei wuxian said, which surprises ye jingji. Ye jingji known that he wouldn't have a war with mortals until this day..

"Yes my Lord. " ye jingji said, he disappeared from his sight.

9 hours later.

Wei wuxian was still writing, his ass wasn't still hurt.

Ye jingji appeared with blood on his face. "My Lord, we have won. " ye jingji said.

"Good." Wei wuxian said.

"Your dismissed. " Wei wuxian said, ye jingji nods he teleported.

Wei wuxian suddenly got a headache.

His body started to move by itself. 'What's happening? 'Wei wuxian thought.

His body turned into a knife, grabbed it and stabbed itself.

Why am I making him into a suicide-
The discontinued.
Early discontinuation.

I'm really sorry for the wangxian shippers, I didn't even gave a chance for you guys to have a wangxian chapter😭

I was making this quick so I could make the book 2-

It's been a long time since I made a modern story

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