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2 days later..

These days, nothing was important on the last 2 days ago.

On the midnight.

Lan wangji randomly woke up from a strange sound. 'Where is that sound coming from?' Lan wangji asked, he followed the sound and saw Wei wuxian with someone kneeling.

'Who's that with Wei ying..? 'Lan wangji thought, he glares at them closely.

"I am sorry my Lord!! " the woman kneels, she was begging. 'My Lord..? 'Lan wangji asked himself.

"How can you be so stupid!? " wei wuxian shouted and asked. "My Lord, I can't protect him!! "The woman shouted and replied.

'Protect who? 'Lan wangji asked in his mind.

" I cannot protect wang wangji!! "The woman shouted.

'Me..? 'Lan wangji thought, he never knew what does it have to make him involved to this. "You will have too, or else I will kill you. Go protect him now, if you fail you will be tortured until dead. " wei wuxian threatened the woman with a  scary glare on his face.

The woman gulped and disappeared, lan wangji was scared.

Don't mind but I'm not making lan wangji stoical and expressionless on the outside.
I know making lan wangji UN stoic is kind of weird.

Lan wangji came out of his spot, walking towards to Wei wuxian. ".. It seems like you have knew before wang wangji. " Wei wuxian said.

Wei wuxian touched his hair, lan wangji was still shivering. "Are you scared? " Wei wuxian asked, lan wangji nods.

Wei wuxian sighs, he pulled lan wangji into a hug. "Wei ying.. Who was that..? " lan wangji asked, he glances at Wei wuxian. Wei wuxian grinned. "She was your past demon protector. " Wei wuxian said.

'Demon protector..? Isn't that what mom always telling me about.. ? 'Lan wangji wondered.

Wei wuxian pinched his forehead, knocking him out. "I'm sorry my love, but I still don't want you to know my secrets even if I wanted to in the past. " Wei wuxian smiled, he carried lan wangji in a bridal style.

Wei wuxian puts him to bed, tried to erase his memories but his memories went back when Wei wuxian cuddled him.

The next morning...

Lan wangji woke up, and he went into the kitchen to see the 2 girls and Wei wuxian. The girls helped Wei wuxian to clean the plates while Wei wuxian is cooking, lan wangji hugged him at the back of wei wuxian.

"Oh? " wei wuxian said, he was finished cooking but suddenly lan wangji hugged him. "What happened, wang zhan? " Wei wuxian wondered.

"I had a bad dream.. "Lan wangji said, as he tightly hugged Wei wuxian. " li jing, go set up the plates, we're eating. "Wei wuxian said, li jing nods and grabbed the plates.

Wei wuxian glances at lan wangji and sighs. "And what is that bad dream? " Wei wuxian wondered and asked.

"When you were with a woman and she was kneeling or was begging, you kind of threatening her just to protect me.. " lan wangji almost cried before Wei wuxian hugged back.

"Do not worry, it's just a nightmare of me and you. It's not real. " Wei wuxian lied, he knew that it was real but he was just comforting him. 'It seems like you did have the memories.. 'Wei wuxian thought.

Wei wuxian pats his head as a comforter. Wang yi was watching them, while li jing was just setting the table up. 'What are you really planning to do with the protagonist, Wei wuxian? 'Wang yi was angry to see her own brother who was the protagonist with the antagonist.

Li jing was glaring at her. "What are you doing, what are you watching in there? " li jing asked.

"Well, the protagonist and antagonist were hugging but it didn't even shown up in the novel.. " Wang yi said.

"Let me see. " li jing said, and saw the both hugging. She was blushing. 'OMG!! OMG!! I DID NOT EXPECT THIS!! OMG CONTROL YOUR EXPRESSION LI JING!! OMG!! I CANNOT!! I HAVE WATCHED TOO MUCH BL BEFORE I GOT TRANSMIGRATED HERE!!!??? "li jing aggressively and crazily thought.

Li jing dropped on the floor, making a loud noise of a *thud*.

" li jing!? Are you ok!? "Wang yi shouted, and slapped li jing. Wei wuxian and lan wangji went into the scene, seeing Wang yi slapping li jing multiple times trying to wake her up.

Wei wuxian sighs and facepalm himself.

2 hours later.

Li jing finally woke up, being extra hungry as she saw pancakes on the plate. She immediately ate it all.

"Look like your awake. " Wei wuxian said.

Li jing ignored him.

Wei wuxian teleported, he left the room leaving li jing eating. He saw lan wangji, he grinned. He was hugging lan wangji. It was unexpected for lan wangji. 'Why is Wei ying clinging to me today...? 'Lan wangji wondered.

Boi, you're his future husband that's why his clinging.

Lan wangji ignored him, he was trying to. Wei wuxian noticed he was ignoring him. "Wang zhan? Wang zhan? Wang zhan!? WANG ZHAN!? " Wei wuxian was mentioning his name.

Wei wuxian pins lan wangji in the bed. "Wang wangji, are you ignoring me? " Wei wuxian asked, lan wangji ignored and glances away.

Wei wuxian's eyes turned Ruby red. He grabs lan wangji's chin, and glares at him aggressively. Lan wangji was still ignoring, Wei wuxian kissed him in the lips. It was unexpected for lan wangji to do, he thought that Wei wuxian would do something except kissing. Lan wangji moaned in the kiss, he was aggressively enjoying it.

The kiss was made with passion, it was going deep. Lan wangji was about to lose oxygen because of the kiss.

Wei wuxian leaned to his neck, starting to sucking his neck on the right side of base.

"We-.. Ngh!... Wei... Mhm.. Ying.. Ahhh....ahh!.." Lan wangji couldn't speak his sentence, because of Wei wuxian sucking, and kissing base of the neck.

Nah cause, this is merely my first time making a freaking smut only for you guys-😭😭
Lord, please forgive me for my unholy behavior. I am only doing this for my readers😭🙏

Wei wuxian starts to mark his hickeys around his neck. Lan wangji wanted to free himself for this unexpected behavior of Wei wuxian, but this kind of act of him felt butterflies in his stomach.

He didn't want to be like a whining and screaming man, but Wei wuxian's actions is making him becoming like it.

Lan wangji's hands puts his hands up on Wei wuxian's neck, merely putting wei wuxian closer to him.

Wei wuxian wanted to claim his body as his own, his hands stripped top lan wangji's clothes and also his top clothes. It was revealing such a muscular body of Wei wuxian.

Wei wuxian snapped his fingers to activate the sound barrier around the room. Since his sister and best friend could've have killed him if they heard him.


But suddenly Wang yi came in the room, they saw Wei wuxian on top of lan wangji.
Li jing came inside, and then her bl mode activated. "OMG!!! THAT'S QUITE HOT OF YOU 2!!! "She was fangirling.

Wei wuxian glares at them, while lan wangji was just on the other side base of the bed covering his blushing and flustered face.

I mean I am too tired to do smuts👹👹
Sorry not sorry.
I am just too tired to do so.

" Wei wuxian!!!??? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!? YOU ARE LOSING MY BROTHER'S VIRGINITY!!?? "Wang yi shouted, she was looking flustered.

Cliffhanger OMG.

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