is he cheating on me..?

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So my reader told me it would be interesting if I add lan xichen reincarnation-
Uhm so-

Btw lan xichen is much older than lan wangji.

Name: qiu huan

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Name: qiu huan

Courtesy name: zichen

Demonic imperial guard commander of jingling

Title: the imperial guard commander of jingling | the darkness of the crimson | commander of jingling | guardian devil.

Weapon: shen-hongse (polearm)

Instrument: shouhu (flute)

Age: 1,234

There, you want him so.

After that morning, it was already midnight.

Wei wuxian summoned the guard commander of jingling. "My Lord? " qiu huan asked.

"A-huan, you know about your brother right? " wei wuxian asked, qiu huan glares at him. "Of course my Lord, what does it have to involve my dead brother? "Qiu huan asked.

Wei wuxian chuckled at his question. "A-huan, have anyone ever told you that his alive? "

"My Lord, are you saying my brother is alive? " qiu huan asked, wei wuxian nods. Qiu huan's eyes turned teary, he hugged wei wuxian.

"A-huan, don't get my clothes wet today. " wei wuxian said, qiu huan let's go. "I'm sorry my Lord. " qiu huan apologized.

"It's ok, if you're willing to meet him. Act perfect and go to your human form, if you continue to look like that I am afraid he will be scared of your demonic marks and horns. " wei wuxian said.

And yes qiu huan or lan xichen has horns and marks in this au after qiu huan reincarnated.

"Yes my Lord. " qiu huan said, he was about to teleport until wei wuxian stopped him. "Oh by the way, come here in the afternoon. Wear some elegant style of clothes and it has high quality ok? " wei wuxian asked, and qiu huan nods. He teleport.

Wei wuxian chuckled, he went to his bedroom to sleep with lan wangji. Wei wuxian touched lan wangji's face. "It really felt like in the past, at least I could get a touch of you lan zhan.. " wei wuxian said.

Wei wuxian sighs. "I knew in the future I could never get a touch of you after that woman.. Qi lian coming here.. " wei wuxian said

If y'all don't know who is qi lian is I will introduce you to her.

Name: qi lian

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Name: qi lian

Courtesy name: ..

The prime minister's daughter of qianfu

Title: the sex feminism monster | prime minister's daughter | the 492th concubine of Wei wuxian

Weapon: Xing guaiwu (wand)

Instrument: ...

Age: 29

If your wondering why you didn't know her before was because she was in another story of mine.

Wei wuxian sits up. "I wonder how is that feminism monster doing.. " wei wuxian said.

Wei wuxian lay down. "She's probably waiting to rape me and wang zhan. " wei wuxian said, and sighs.

He slept, but he does realize that someone was watching. Wei wuxian woke up because of it, so he goes to the balcony just to see his favorite concubine. "Wei ying! " the concubine immediately hugged wei wuxian.

Wei wuxian chuckled to see her being a little child once again. "Wei ying, how are you doing? How is lan wangji? " she asked.

"Li xia, don't worry I am doing fine aswell with lan zhan. " wei wuxian replied.

Li xia smiled. "I'm glad you are doing fine along with lan wangji! " li xia said while smiling.

Wei wuxian pats her head. "How is the demonic realm doing? " wei wuxian asked, li xia giggles like a child. "They missed you! But mostly Luo binghe is too worried and sad after your disappearance or death. " li xia replied.

"That child is missing me afterall. " wei wuxian said while being humiliated.

"Wei ying calm down. " li xia tried to calm his humiliated temper off. Wei wuxian immediately calmed down.

"How is the underworld? " wei wuxian asked, li xia glances at him with a creepy smile. "Don't tell me teached the kids.. "Wei wuxian said, he glares at li xia.

" yea!! I did!! "Li xia replied and laughs. "I also told them your gay! HAHAHAHA! " li Xiao laughed cutely.

Wei wuxian had a flustered looks on his face, he covered his face.

Lan wangji randomly woke up in the time of 1:03 am. He glances at the bed but wei wuxian wasn't there so he checked everywhere until he went to the balcony to see a girl and wei wuxian laughing and hugging and clinging to together.

'Is he cheating on me..? 'Lan wangji randomly asked himself.


Why did you made this story as xianwang?


Well, it's not quite obvious. Since we have not seen too many xianwang in wattpad so we decided to make a xianwang for those who are finding for a xianwang story!

Who is li xia?


Li xia is gorgeous and she acted like a child, but in either way she is a manipulative whenever she's with anyone and her enemies. She's the 13th concubine of wei wuxian, she knows a lot of wei wuxian since she hangs out a lot with wei wuxian.

Can wei wuxian get impregnated?


No, in my au. Only goddesses can gave birth unlike God's, God's cannot give birth to any children but if they are trans and a male then they can get pregnant but since wei wuxian is not a trans and a goddess he will never give  birth even if he ate or drink the child bearing pill.

Can lan wangji get impregnated?


Yes, and that is why I and my bestoe made him as a bottom instead of wei wuxian. But if only he drink the child bearing pill then it's possible for him to be impregnated.

Does xianwang entertain you?


Yes, I was really comfortable with the reversed couple.

What story is qi lian involved?


It is a story about "collecting all the strongest demons".

What is the reason that you made lan wangji 20× weaker than wei wuxian?


Well, wei wuxian is a God but his the most strongest out of the gods but lan wangji is just a weak mortal who's becoming to be the generation's strongest cultivator.

Is lan wangji going to be the top?


I am really not sure, my bestoe declined to make him a bottom but the readers are forcing me to making this story as wangxian. I was really never had been comfortable about making lan wangji a top when in this au wei wuxian is a God of underworld-

Hope you like it-😉

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