lan zhan was the baby boy..?

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So basically this takes over 10,000 years now, where countries exist, but technology still doesn't exist, either electric gadget, there is realms and difference and similarities of the 3 realms called mortal realm, heavenly realm and demon realm. Whoever dies or reincarnated gets to be reincarnated with unmemorable memory, which means they won't remember what happens in their past life, there is some levels to reach to the final level. They're is also a cultivation  on different realms.


Heavenly cultivation
Demonic cultivation
Qi cultivation
Yin cultivation
Yang cultivation
Kij cultivation.

Kij is the lowest cultivation.


Godly level
Ghostly level
Demonic level
Immortal level
Yin and yang level
Mortal level

The mortal level is the weakest, for the weakest cultivators has already gotten to the mortal level.

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Wei wuxian and walking around missing his own future hus- no best friend- (🥲)

Luo binghe: uhm da-ge.. Are you ok?

Wei wuxian: do I look okay to you binghe!?

Wei heilin: nah, you look ok.

Wei wuxian: You-

Wei heilin: oh shut up, you know how hard is it to wait for that guy, you stopped for waiting that guy. Because he will never reincarnated actually for years now, you know.

Wei wuxian: a-lin you known that you just got rejected by your ugly old-fashioned guy.

Wei heilin: oh!? At least he ain't wearing a mourning clothes, and didn't died so early!

Wei wuxian: oh yeah!? Do you remember what happened to you when you didn't got a home if it wasn't for me!? -

Luo binghe: y'all all down, you guys literally fighting like a marriage couple that is literally having issues and trying to get divorce right now..

Wei heilin: oh that's shameless! I don't like marriage couples, and besides we're siblings, how is it possible to be marriage couples if you're siblings!?

Hua Cheng pops out of nowhere

Hua Cheng: that's so true, but we have a mission to do in the mortal realm!

Wei wuxian: what is it?

Hua Cheng: we might cause trouble in this mission, but the mission is... That we have to keep the empress of the quanfei city safe.

Wei heilin: why do we have to?

Hua Cheng: well, the empress was pregnant with the emperor's baby. But the empress might be strong but when she gets pregnant, she is most likely weak.

Luo binghe: I see, so now we are gonna protect the empress with her baby now?

Hua Cheng: yes.

Wei wuxian: that's quite boring.

Hua Cheng: then no wine, or emperor smile.

Wei wuxian dramatically gasps

Wei wuxian: how dare you!?

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