to be continued

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After the incident were made, wei wuxian finally woke up. Everyone was there, worried. Wei wuxian looks confuse. "Why am I here? " wei wuxian asked.

"My Lord, you forgot? " qiu huan asked, wei wuxian didn't knew what was going on. "Forgot what? " wei wuxian asked.

"You stabbed yourself in the chest after you created a war with the mortal realm. " qiu huan explained, wei wuxian was surprised, he immediately stand up and used the talisman to change his clothes.

Wei wuxian insanely ran to everywhere in order to search for lan wangji, he couldn't find him anywhere until he thought of the burial forest. He immediately teleported inside the treehouse to see his dead body.

The other girls can't be found, Wei wuxian grabbed lan wangji's shoulders and carried him in bridal style. Wei wuxian was holding back his own tears, it made the rain appeared already.

'What have I done? I didn't remember this happening..? 'Wei wuxian thought.

Wei wuxian glares at his body, he kissed it's forehead. He got back secretly, Wei wuxian put his body in a bed which was full with crystals.

As such, he started to get a headache. He grabbed his head, he heard voices it felt like he was pressured.

'You killed him! '
'You don't deserve to be a God! '
'Feeling guilty? That's your fault! '
'What have you done!?
'You deserve to have a brutal punishment! '
'He died because of you! '
'He doesn't deserve you! '
'Lan wangji should date anyone except you! '

The voices shouted, it was painful way to make him depressed.

Depression 😭

Wei wuxian cried, he kneeled while holding lan wangji's hand. He slept without any food.

He was waken up by the floral goddess, it was his best friend jinmi. "Jinmi, what do you need? " Wei wuxian asked, he stand up and bowed.

Jinmi did the same, she smiles as she glares at lan wangji's body. "Looks like destiny has ruin your life again, either love. " jinmi said.

"You don't have to say that to me. " Wei wuxian said, he looks cold.

Jinmi sighed. "I don't really believe in love, but it seems like were both cursed by love you know? " jinmi asked, she wasn't smiling like she used to.

"How is that? " Wei wuxian asked, jinmi glanced at him. "Both our love died and rejected us. "Jinmi said.

Jinmi talked a lot, which made wei wuxian understand.

After the 10 hours of it, wei wuxian has realized that he still has to wait for lan wangji's next life or reincarnation.

Why is this so fast-💀

At that time, this time was the only scene where wei wuxian is going to give up. Jinmi, his friend wanted him to quit waiting for him.

Wei wuxian left the cave, he locked the gate so no one can come inside the cave. He did give up, it was going to be the last time he will see him again.

"But the legends says that he will still find for his lost soul to come back to his original body. " someone said, that person was smiling while holding a book.

"That ended up so fast! "His daughter shouted, she wanted more storylines.

"Of course, stories can end very fast. " that person said, he was handsome like wei wuxian.

"But it's not fair! How can some wattpad stories be so long than the story!? " the daughter shouted, she also asked. She pouted cutely, the person walked towards her, he carried her while patting her head.

"Now now, it's time for bed. Why haven't you been sleeping yet while I tell the story earlier? " the person asked, his daughter glance at him.

The daughter sighed, she can sleep faster than anyone. The person smiled. 'That's where it all happened before.. I wish I could find you again, lan zhan.. "Wei wuxian smirked, he thought.

To be continued.

Book 1 - Book 2

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