the child was the heavenly demon?

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It has been 10 years ever since lan zhan died.. I met some demon knights that are very weak so I trained them, I was looking for a-yuan and I adopted him after I met him, now I see him as my son. Xie yeqishi and jie emoguaiwu (the monster I gave him the name) finally got along, same as everyone in the palace. But everyone seems to call me as his majesty even though I don't like how they call me, I told them to call me Wei wuxian but didn't listen so I let it aside

"Your majesty! "

Wei wuxian: hm?

"A girl came to the palace! "

Wei wuxian: a girl?

"Yes your majesty!"

Wei wuxian: well then, I'm going to check it. And you may go.

"Yes your majesty! "

Wei wuxian walks and went to the Hall and he sighed softly making others not hearing the sigh and the knights open the door
When Wei wuxian saw a woman standing, she went to her but not close but far over 5 meters away


Wei wuxian: so who might you be?

"I am.. "

Wei heilin: Wei heilin courtesy name: baihe, I am 33.

Wei wuxian: you.. You have the same last name as me..


Wei wuxian: how did you get the last name?

Wei heilin: i-.. Was born with it

Wei wuxian: I'm glad that there is someone who has the same last name as mine. I welcome you to my palace.

Wei heilin was shocked because there wasn't anyone who could get her inside, she hasn't have a home, she never knew why home is important so she walked inside the castle or palace.

Wei wuxian: you're free to explore.

Wei heilin looks at the hallway with the amazed face (🤩) because she likes how the walls are painted into black, the chandelier was red but it has candles, the floor was was hard to break because it was once a hard rock, the designs are red and black.

Wei wuxian: Wei heilin?

Wei heilin snap through her imagination and looks at Wei wuxian

Wei wuxian: you're free to explore, if you want to talk, you may find me on my bedroom or in the garden.

Wei heilin: o-oh ok-

Wei wuxian disappeared leaving a heavy air trying to push Wei heilin but couldn't

Wei heilin: he.. He left me.. But I have to explore like he said!

Wei heilin walks fast but she is not running, exploring every single rooms in 4 minutes he he is actually speed walking every single room memorizing every steps or walk like she has a map that she memorized.

With Wei wuxian

Wei wuxian opens the door, walks in closing the door, and he looks at lan wangji in his bed or death bed. Wei wuxian walks to him, and sits on the bed.

Wei wuxian: ... I missed you lan zhan.. I wish that you we're with me. I was the one who made you like this.. I-

Someone knocked the door

"Uh dad? Can you let me in, I need to talk to you? "

Wei wuxian: you may go inside, the door is open.

They are having a random conversation that is nothing useful to talk about😔

Wei wuxian: but, you need to be careful during the night hunt a-yuan, ok?

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