" I'll be on your side, even if you die or not. "

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Wei wuxian smiles, by seeing the Royal couple being happy with their twins.

Wei wuxian slowly disappeared into pieces.

Lan wangji was looking at him, if it was without the blurry visions he has, he could have been crying to see Wei wuxian.

Wei wuxian fully disappeared, removing the memories about him.

It's now like, everyone has forgotten a person.

Everyone was cheerful, contented, and delightful. Once it was all because of Wei wuxian's wish.

But the demon realm and the yiling Wei sect did not forget about their beloved emperor.

Since their leader has died, they were wondering, who would be their new Lord or emperor to rule the demon realm?

Wei Heilin: I see, so looks like his wish has came verifiable, and true.

Hua Cheng: but then, who would be the new Overlord?

Wei heilin: we need a boy, who's 33 years younger than him.

Wei heilin and Hua Cheng looks at Luo binghe.

Luo binghe: me?

Wei heilin: yes, you.

Hua Cheng: I'm more like 800, yk so it's basically you.

Luo binghe: I will not replace my beloved brother!

"we'll, you have too! " Wei heilin said

" I don't wanna! " Luo binghe shouted

"oh stop being so ungrateful! Or we will kidnap your shizun! " Hua Cheng also shouted for him to stop shouted for once.

Luo binghe turns silent after his younger brother mentions his dearest shizun.

" ...... Ugh fine! " Luo binghe finally stopped

Luo binghe turns around in despondency.

Luo binghe knows he will regret it, if he did. It's just, he couldn't replace his brother's position, even if he died or disappeared.

18 years later.

The demon realm missed their formerly leader, the demon realm has changed this years after the day he died.

Even if the demon realm tries to forget about him, everyone in demon realm failed to forget about him, the reason why the first demon Lord was called as 'unforgettable demon lord'

There was a statue of him, in the burial mountains.

In the mortal realm, there was always an event, every year.

Somehow lan wangji has a headache everytime, he thinks of a person with the silver eyes, pure black hair, black, grey and red clothes, always has his flute in his waist.

Lan wangji always felt he was wearing a headband. Even he thought that someone was watching him. And he also felt that person was his soulmate, but he always appear on his dreams only.

It was true all along, someone was watching him, he used to wear headband before, the person he was describing was his actually true soulmate, but he can only appear on his dreams.

This takes over the 18 years, where he was intelligent, elegant, and smart.

He was called by a knight, that his parents are calling him.

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