01: Meet

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(Your POV)

It was the start of first semester for my senior year. Everybody got their class schedule and their locker locations for this year. I'm excited that this is my last year of high school but nervous at the same time, what if this year is too hard and I get held back??

Whatever, I can't think like that. Gotta stay positive. When I entered in the school, before I go to the cafeteria to meet up with my friends, I go to my assigned locker to put some of my stuff in there.

I noticed as I was walking to my locker, there was a girl there trying to open it. She had short hair, blonde and was honestly pretty cute. I go up behind her and hear her struggling to open it.

???: Ugh, what the heck...

She looks down at a piece of paper which I assume is her locker combination and tries to put it in but fails again.

???: Tch, are you kidding me?

You: Um, excuse me?

???: Hmm?

She turns to look at me. She's even prettier face to face.

???: Yes?

You: I think that's my locker.

???: This one?

She points at my locker.

You: Yeah, locker 420. That one is mine I'm sure.

???: I thought it was mine?

She looks at a different piece of paper and reads her assigned locker.

???: Oh! Mine's 419! I'm so sorry!

You: Nah, you're good.

She scoots aside to the locker on the left and puts in her combo. She pushes up on the handle and it opens.

???: Yes! Thank god!

You: Haha! Congratulations!

???: (Giggles) Thanks.

I go ahead and open my locker up and start putting stuff inside. Suddenly, I felt an arm wrap around me from my left and I jump a bit.

???: Hey you two, I see you guys met!

Both: Huh?

We both looked at who was next to us and it was one of my friends, Miles Morales. He looks at both of us and smiles.

You: Oh hey! What's up, man!

???: Miles! Hi!

Miles: Hey guys, finally great to see you two after a whole summer. And look, Peter and MJ are here too!

We both looked behind Miles and Peter and MJ were walking up to us. They wave at us and we wave at them.

Peter: Hey Y/n!

You: Hey Pete!

MJ: Hi Y/n! Hi Gwen!

Gwen: Hi!!!

So, her name is Gwen, huh? Cute name for a cute girl. I see Gwen go up to MJ and hug her. After they breaks the hug, we all form a small circle.

Miles: So, you two finally met each other.

You: Who? Me and her?

Miles: Yeah.

Gwen: What do you mean "finally"?

Peter: Well, when you, Gwen, wouldn't be around in the group, it was always Y/n in your spot. And Y/n, when you weren't around, it was always Gwen.

MJ: It was pretty weird how both of you two hang out with us but at different times.

You: Oh? That's weird.

I then see Gwen whisper something to MJ, and then MJ whispers something back, which makes them both giggle. We all question what was funny, but they dismissed us. Gwen then went up to me and offered me her hand.

Gwen: My name is Gwendolyn Stacy, but you can call me Gwen for short.

You: Hey, my name is-

Miles: AHEM*

You: Huh?

I was about to shake her hand, but Miles looked at me and gave me a head gesture. I think about what he was doing but remembered.

You: (Gasp) Oh!

Instead of giving Gwen a handshake, I reach up to her shoulder, put my hand on it and said in my deepest voice,

You: Hey~

Miles: HAHA! YES!

Gwen: Oh no... You did not just do that to me...

Everyone started laughing. Miles told us about this Shoulder Touch thing his uncle told him to do when meeting a girl. I guess he told Gwen about it too.

Gwen: That's so lame.

You: Haha, I'm sorry. Here,

I re-offer her a handshake and we both shake hands.

You: My name's Y/n L/n. It's nice to meet you.

Gwen: Nice to meet you too.

Peter: Alright sweet, you two have met each other. Let's go and get some breakfast, yeah?

Miles: Heck yeah, let's go!

We all started to head up to the cafeteria. Miles, Peter and MJ walked in front of me and Gwen. We both stayed back behind to share each others schedule. It seems like we both have History together for first period and we were both given Early Release for our last period.

What Gwen and MJ were whispering about:

Gwen: You know, he's pretty hot... I call dibs on him...

MJ: He's all yours girl... My eyes are on Peter...

Once the bell rang for first period, Gwen and I walked to History together, trying to get to know each other on the way.

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