15: Teamwork pt. 3

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(Your POV)

You: (sigh)

I'm in the spot me and Spider-Woman meet up usually, sitting on the edge, thinking about how Gwen was acting today. She changed all of a sudden, she was with another guy, holding onto him. I guess she doesn't like me back. But, why so sudden? She was acting like she was in love with me, why did she change all of a sudden?

I hear webs swinging towards me and knew Spider-Woman was coming. She lands next to me and sit on the edge.

Spider-Woman: Alright, I'm here. You ready to give this teamwork thing one more go?

You: Yeah...

Spider-Woman: Okay!

She stands up and walks around the roof, waiting for me. I take a few breaths in and out before finally standing up and walking up to her.

You: You can lead...

Spider-Woman: Geez, you're not as hyper as usual? Something going on?

You: Nothing, I just think the girl I like doesn't like me back.

Spider-Woman: Aww~ How come?

You: I don't know. She started off like she was in love with me and then all of a sudden, she seems like she hates me. Just the way she acted, she seemed like she wanted to be distant from me.

Spider-Woman: Oh no~ I'm sorry.

She comes up to me and pats me on the back.

Spider-Woman: I also feel like the guy that I like hates me too.

You: And whys that?

Spider-Woman: My friends told me not to care anymore and make him be the one to "Man Up" and make decisions that I want him to without even talking to him.

You: That just seems... completely stupid.

Spider-Woman: Yeah, well, that's advise from my friends.

You: Well, I'm sure things will be okay with you as long as you don't change too much for him.

Spider-Woman: And I'm sure things will be okay with you as long as you give her time.

Under my mask, I smile at her and pat her shoulder. She does the same again. Even though we've fought a few times and had our own opinions about this superhero duty, I feel more comfortable and more happy just talking to her like she's a normal person. And that's what I forget a lot, she's not just a hero, she's a human being.

Out of nowhere, my body moves on its own. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer to me.

You: Thank you...

I could tell that she was surprised by my movements as she didn't hug me back and stayed still. But I was happy when I felt her arms wrap around my neck and pull me closer.

Spider-Woman: You're welcome...

We stayed like this for a few seconds, I feel her pet the back of my head. And when she broke the hug, we both looked at each other.

You: Sorry I just needed that...

Spider-Woman: No, it's fine. I did too.

You: Cool... Should we get going?

Spider-Woman: Yeah, let's get going.

We both swing in a direction and search around for anybody that needs help or anybody that is up to no good.


After a couple hours off doing our Superhero duty, it seemed like there was no more crime happening around the city for tonight.

We've established that when's there's 2 people that are up to no good, it's best we go with my idea and just wing it. And if there's only one, we each take turns taking out every criminal that's by themselves. But if there's 3 or more, we go with Gwen's idea and make a plan.

Either way, we both get each others style. She threw in some jokes here and there and it would make me laugh. I would sometimes be the one to make up the plan on what to do, which then I got Gwen's approval.

But once we were seeing no crime at all for tonight, we landed on a roof and caught our breath from swinging.

Spider-Woman: Well, guess there's no more crime tonight. We've been swinging for a while and got nothing.

You: Yeah, so what, we head home?

Spider-Woman: I guess so.

You: Alright cool... But before we go, what do you think about our teamwork now?

Spider-Woman: We've really improved, I gotta say. It's nice being with someone to do all this with, honestly.

You: Yeah? Same here.

We both started backing away from each other, getting a head start to swing back home.

Spider-Woman: That's good. Same time, same place?

You: Definitely.

Spider-Woman: Alright, you take care!

You: You too! And I hope things go well with that guy you like!

Spider-Woman: Oh! Right, I forgot!

She stopped backing up and ran up to me. I stopped for a second, thinking what she was going to do. Suddenly, she quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close, giving me a big hug.

Spider-Woman: Things between you and that girl will be fine, I know it.

You: Yeah? You think so?

Spider-Woman: I know so. Just, try and read her confusing signals and if you know her well, you'd know what she wants.

You: Okay...

I hug her back and pull her closer to me. For some odd reason, the feeling I get with Gwen, I'm also getting the same feelings for Spider-Woman. I shake my head and think that it's nothing. I'm judging Spider-Woman's looks by her suit and it makes me think, if her suit is cute, then she's probably cute under it.

After a few seconds, we break the hug and look at each other. Just staring into her visor up close makes me have a different type of tingle.

You: Thanks.

Spider-Woman: No problem... And make sure you take those webs off your feet, you gotta go home, right?

You: Huh?!

I look down and see that she webbed my feet together like I always do.

You: Oh fuck.

Spider-Woman: (giggles) See you tomorrow Dark!


Spider-Woman swings off while laughing. I just laugh a bit and start taking the web's off of my feet.

(Gwen's POV)

Gwen: Oh Spider-Man... My Dark Spider...

Is it wrong for me to like 2 people? One person who I know fully and then one person who I don't know fully? Like, Y/n is hot, with a good heart and good personality. But Spider-Man, I'm just judging his looks by his suit and I gotta say, he's probably hot under that suit since his suit is pretty hot. I also love his humor and personality.

Gwen: (Sigh) I don't know...

FriEnemies: Spider-Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now