20: A Day Together

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(Your POV)

I'm here on the rooftop at 12:00pm, just like Ghost asked me to be. We plan on hanging out today but I'm not sure what we could do if we're in our outfits. I mean, if we go out in public on the streets, we'll be bombarded by citizens and photographers and interviewers. Like, we would have to stay on the roofs.

As I was thinking, I see my Ghost Spider swinging in. I wave at her and she just swings closer and closer to me until she lands right on me. I catch her and hold her as she wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

Spider-Woman: Hey you~

You: Hey!

We both give each other a quick kiss before I put her down and hold both of her hands.

You: So, what do you have in mind other than fighting crime?

Spider-Woman: Um...

You: Because you know, we can't go out on the street with our suits on, people will just come at us. And we both prefer to stay anonymous even to each other, to make it more interesting.

Spider-Woman: Well, I was thinking

She gives me another peck on the lips before she lets go of me stands in the middle of the rooftop. She hops around in a circle while saying

Spider-Woman: We could set up a tent here!

You: A tent?

Spider-Woman: Yeah! We'll have a tent, have a blow-up mistress inside with pillows and blankets! I'll even bring my laptop and we could watch a movie! The WiFi at the Bank across the street is pretty strong!

You: Huh, okay. I like that!

Spider-Woman: (giggles) Good! And plus, who cares if we're on the streets for a little while? Just as long as we get what we need quickly, it'll be fine!

You: So, are we just going to hang out in the tent and then go home?

Spider-Woman: I mean, do you want to have a sleepover on this roof?

You: Uh, heck yeah I do. I mean, it's gonna probably be uncomfortable if I'm in this suit for too long.

Spider-Woman: Yeah... We could go home real quick, change into our comfy clothing and then just wear the masks. And if you need to breathe, just lift your mask up a bit.

You: Yeah, but... I thought we were gonna keep the masks on and not reveal our identity.

Spider-Woman: Dark, I'm not seeing your entire face! Just lift it up a bit so that your nose and mouth are exposed.

You: Oh, okay.

Spider-Woman: And plus,

Ghost comes up to me and touches my lips through my mask with her finger. She then outlines my lip.

Spider-Woman: We can't keep kissing in between our masks~ Sometime soon we gotta kiss with actual lip to lip contact~

You: (Chuckles) Alright.

I pull her close to me and give her a quick kiss.

You: So... Should we start gathering what we need before we go crime fighting?

Spider-Woman: Yup!

We discussed what we wanted for our day together and made a list of it. Together, we went around the city and got those items that we needed.


We got everything set up. We got our tent made and we just webbed the whole bottom of the tent to the rooftop so that way it wouldn't move and hung a lamp on top of the tent. We've got our blown up mattress in it. It was a hassle having to go to my house, blow it up there, web it onto my back and come back to the roof. I didn't bring Ghost with me because I didn't want her to know where I live, still gotta be anonymous.

FriEnemies: Spider-Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now