14: Mixed Signals

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(Your POV)

School was going to be in session in 30 minutes. It gives me enough time to put things and take things out from my locker and hang out with my group in the cafeteria. And maybe hopefully I can do something with Gwen tonight and try and ask her out to the Dance. I'll just do the same thing Spider-Woman did and leave a note saying I can't make it.

As I was walking to my locker, I see that Gwen is already at her locker and she just opened it. I get excited and hurry my way towards her. Once I approached her, I went up next to her and tapped her shoulder.

You: Hey, what's up Gwennie?

She turned to me and smiled.

Gwen: Hey! I was waiting for-

She then stopped herself from finishing her sentence. She cleared her throat, dropped her smile and looked away from me, paying more attention to her locker.

Gwen: (Clears throat) I mean- Uh, hey.

Okay, that was weird. I chuckle a bit and just open my locker. I started putting my backpack in there and rotating what I need and don't need.

You: So, you want to hang out today after school?

Gwen: Uh... No, I'm good.

You: Oh...

That was sudden. She usually asks me to hang out with her and when I ask it, she would immediately say yes and plan what we would do. Sometimes, she would say she couldn't because she was busy with whatever but promised to make it up to me, which wasn't needed of course. If she was busy, I'd be doing my Spider-Man chores.

You: You busy tonight?

Gwen: No, got NOTHING to do AT ALL.

You: Oh, you just don't feel like it I guess?

Gwen: I mean, not really.

You: What...

I was confused on her answer. She has nothing to do and I guess, feels like hanging out but doesn't?

You: Uh... Okay?

Gwen: I mean, if you're desperate to hang out with me, I guess I can make time for you.

You: Um... Alright cool. We can discuss more during History, but let's go to the cafeteria.

Gwen: Alright.

We both closed our lockers and went to the cafeteria to meet up with Miles, Peter and MJ. Geez, she's kind of weird today.

-Gwen's Friends Advice-

Friend 1: Don't act like you care. If he wants to hang out, say no and just keep saying no until he's super desperate.

Gwen's Thoughts: Well, he wasn't desperate but it sure did sound like it.


It's History class and me and Gwen are working on an assignment together. But during the time we have, I try and make a plan for what we could do but Gwen isn't being too cooperative.

You: So... Do you want to get Ice cream and walk around the park?

Gwen: No.

You: Okay... How about we go try another restaurant and judge it when we leave?

Gwen: No.

You: Alright... Maybe we could watch some more movies at your place again?

Gwen: No.

You: (Sigh) Then what do you want to do?

Gwen: Hmm... I don't know.

You: Um... We'll figure it out I guess when we hang out. Right?

FriEnemies: Spider-Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now