16: Fight

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(Gwen's POV)

Gwen: (Sigh) Crap...

I arrived late school and I had no excuse other than I overslept. I missed breakfast with the gang, totally missed first period and missed half of second. I got a slip from the office and I'm now walking to my class.

As I walk down the hallway I'm on, I stop in the middle of an intersecting hallway when I hear the voice of Y/n in the hallway to my left.

Girl: Oh, for real? That's gotta suck.

You: Yeah, it is what it is though.

I turn to see that he's talking with a girl.

Gwen: Maybe I should go say hi.

I was about to walk towards him until I heard the girl bring up the Dance that's happening on Valentine's day. I immediately stop, hide behind the wall and listen on their conversation. I know it's not cool to eavesdrop but I can't help it. I have to know what she's going to say if she's bringing up the dance with Y/n.

Gwen: You better not cheat on me...

Girl: The school is hosting a dance this Valentine's Day.

You: Yeah, I heard.

Guy: So, I'm guessing you've already been asked out.

You: Oh no! I don't think I will get asked out, honestly.

Girl: Don't have a girl in mind?

You: Well, I do... But, I'm not sure if she does or doesn't like me. She's being bipolar with me. I've also seen her with someone else and the way she was holding onto his arm, they seem close.

My hearts sinks when he says that. He's talking about me, how I'm giving him mixed signal all of a sudden. And that guy that I was holding onto, that was just to make him jealous, I have no feelings at all for him!

Girl: Aww~ I'm sorry~

You: It's okay, I've experienced this stuff WAY too much. I like someone, don't know if they like me back, see that she's into someone else, cry and move one.

Girl: Well, if you want, would you like to go with me? To the Dance?

My heart drops deeper when she asked that and the only thought that's going through my head is,

Gwen: Please say no, please say no, please say no...

You: Hmm... Maybe! I'll think about it!

Girl: Oh... You could just say no if you don't want to.

You: Nah nah, it's not a yes or a no... Just, my heart and my head is confused right now, about the girl I like. Maybe she isn't the one for me.

i'M nOt THe OnE fOr HIm?! BuT we'Ve dOnE sO mAnY tHingS tOgEtHeR lIkE a coUplE! HoW aM i NoT tHe OnE fOr HiM?! It's NoT mY mIxEd SignALs That's mAkInG hIm cOnFuSed! HE'S JUST AN IDIOT!

Girl: Well, when you get your head sorted, you tell me if it's a definite yes or no. Okay?

You: Okay.

Girl: (giggles) Good!

I listen a bit more and I hear a sound that I can only identify as... A KISS!!!

You: Woah...

Girl: What? It was just a kiss.

You: Yeah, but that was my first kiss. I never knew how it felt.

Girl: Well, I'm glad I was your first.

You: Haha, yeah...

Girl: K! See ya!

I hear the girls footsteps fade away from me, making me think she's going the opposite way of me. I then hear Y/n's footsteps get close to me, and to confirm it, I hear his voice getting closer to me as well.

You: Yeah, see you later!

He continues to walk and walk closer and closer to me until  I know he's super nearby. Like, one step closer and he'll be able to turn the hallway. I start to get furious from his talk with that girl, that I have to get more answers from him! I quickly turn the corner and bump into him.

You: Woah!

Gwen: HEY!

(Your POV)

After my conversation with my friend, I so happen to bump into Gwen.

You: Oh hey, where were you? I didn't see you this morning or at class, I thought you were sick or-

Gwen: Are you kidding me?!

I get confused, she's angry at me but I don't know why.

You: Uh... What?

Gwen: That girl you were talking to! Saying I'm not the one for you, not giving a definite no for an answer and then giving her a kiss!!

You: Wait, you were eavesdropping?!

Gwen: Yeah! And it seems like the stuff we do together didn't mean anything to you!

You: What?!

I get furious with how she's acting. She's blaming me and saying I've basically threw everything we've done together out the window when it her that's messing with my heart.

You: Well, the way you've been acting yesterday it seems like you don't care about me anymore! And I saw you holding onto someone's arm, so I'm guessing you're all comfy with other guys than me!

Gwen: Whatever, you're just an idiot!

She turns around and walks away from me. I just shake my head and try and approach her.

You: Hey, I'm sorry!

Gwen: Don't talk to me!

You: (Sigh)

Well, there goes my chances with her now.

FriEnemies: Spider-Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now