25: Dance

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(Your POV)

I just got to school and went straight to my locker. As I opened it and started going through it, I thought about me and Gwen. Well, once I figured out that she was Spider-Woman, that's all I think about. I'm happy we worked it out and are still continuing our relationship as normal. We threw all the bad things that happened away and are just focusing on the present.

As I'm in locker, I feel a set of arms wrap around me and a kiss was planted on my cheek.

Gwen: Hey you~

You: Oh hey!

I turn around and hug Gwen back and gave her a kiss on the lips. She smiled and went to open her locker.

You: So, should we take a day off and do something together?

Gwen: I actually want to fight crime tonight. We could take the day off tomorrow!

You: Oh, okay. Something special you got planned?

Gwen: Hmm, you could say that.

We both turn to each other and smile. Once we got what we needed from our lockers, we closed them and walked to the cafeteria, hand in hand.


I swing to the building and see that Gwen is already on there. She looks so damn sexy in the outfit. I land on the roof and go up to her.

You: Hey! So, what do you have planned?

Gwen: That's something you'll find out after we're done with our duty!

You: Alright, well, what are we waiting for?! Let's go kick some butt!

Gwen: (Giggles) Lead the way!

And after a few hours of fighting crime and helping out anybody in need, we landed back on the roof.

You: Alright, so what's the surprise you got for me?

Gwen: (giggles) Just wait there!

Gwen goes behind the generator thingy and picks up a few things. She reveals what she has in her hands and it's a bunch of candle.

You: Candles?

Gwen: Yup! And thankfully it's not windy at all out here.

You: It hasn't been the whole night.

She places the candles down one by one, making sure it's all evenly spread until she makes a huge circle around me. She then begins to light them up. After that, she takes out a speaker and places it outside the circle.

She connects her phone to the speaker and turns it up full volume. Then, she starts playing slow dance music.

You: Hmm?

Gwen: Alright, let's do this!

She goes up to me, lifts up both my mask or her mask just enough to expose our lips and she kisses me.

You: So, what's this all for?

Gwen: Well, since we missed the Dance that the school hosted for Valentine's Day, I thought maybe we could have a slow dance on this roof for a few minutes to make it up.

You: Oh, neat! I'd like that!

Gwen: Good!

She kisses me one more time before pulling both of our masks down. She puts her hands behind me neck as I put my hands on her hips.

You: So... How do I do this?

Gwen: (giggles) Just sway with me, nothing too fancy.

You: Alright.

Me and Gwen began to sway left and right, holding each other and into each other's eyes.

You: Um... Nice weather we had today.

Gwen: You don't need to make small talk, you know.

You: Sorry, it's a bit awkward.

Gwen: Y/n!

You: Okay okay, I'll shut up.

Gwen: (giggles) Here,

Gwen then pulls me closer and wraps her arms around my neck. I then wrapped my arms around her waist and we touched foreheads. I see her lenses close and I close my eyes as well.

Gwen: We're not properly holding each other for a slow dance but it's doable.

You: You know, I like it.

We continue to sway left and right as the slow music adds onto the atmosphere.

You: You know... I couldn't have asked anyone else to be under the mask of Spider-Woman. I'm really happy that it's you, Gwen. When I first met you, I fell in love with you already. All those times we hung out together, I was hoping we'd get closer. I'm sorry you overheard my conversation with that girl and heard me say that our friendship was complicated and that you probably weren't the one for me. But you gotta understand I was confused about us. Now, I'm happy that we put that in the past and we're together. I'm gonna love the shit out of you. I don't want to lose you, and I promise I will try my absolute hardest to make this relationship work. You're best girl, Gwen.


Gwen suddenly stopped moving and slowly let go of me. I got confused and looked at her. She knelt down and buried her face in her knees.

You: Um... What happened?

I just knelt down in front of her and put a hand on her shoulder. She's shaking a bit and I get worried.

You: Are you okay? Do you need CPR

After a few seconds, she then let's out a huge cry.


You: Ahh! Monster! What the-

Suddenly, she tackles me down to the ground and buries her face into my chest.

Gwen: (Sobs)

You: Oh! You're crying! That's what you were doing! Haha, I'm stupid!

Gwen: Y-Y/n I l-love you!

You: Jesus, I don't think my motivational speech was that touching.


You: (Laughs) Okay, let's take this mask off of you before you soak it.

I hug her as she continues to cry. I take off her hoodie and mask and she wipes her tears on my chest. All I can do is smile, pat her back continuously and love this feeling as I wait for her to calm down.

You: You know what's crazy?

Gwen: (Sobs) Wah~!

You: No, not that. But how a package on a ship is called a CARgo and a package in a truck is called a SHIPment... Makes no sense, like, what the fuck?

Gwen: (Sniff) (giggles) Shut up you dork...

She lifts her head up and looks at me with her watery eyes and a smile. A tear drops down and I wipe it away with my thumb. She then removes my mask fully and looks at me.

Gwen: Promise you won't leave me.

You: Of course I won't.

Gwen: You definitely definitely won't?

You: I definitely definitely won't.

Gwen: Seal it with a kiss?

You: You got it.

Gwen closes the gap between us and kisses me on the lips passionately. And with that kiss, we both promise to be the best for each other and to never leave each other.

FriEnemies: Spider-Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now