04: Competition

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(Gwen's POV)

After Y/n left, I put on my suit and left my house to go fight some crime. I swing my way towards the center of the city, stopping any crime that's in my path. Once I reach the center of the city, I go ahead and swing around again, listening and observing the city for anything.

Suddenly, I hear sirens moving in the same direction as I'm going. I go ahead and follow them and they lead me to a Bank.

Gwen: A Bank robbery huh?

There are already police cars outside the Bank, all the cops pointing their guns at the entry way. I stop on a roof just across the Bank and think of my plan of attack. As I was thinking, the doors to the bank suddenly open and out comes the robbers.

Gwen: What the...

The robbers didn't walk out, it looks like they were thrown out. They were all wrapped up in what looks like Spider Webs. They were struggling to get out of it but they couldn't.

Gwen: Oh, don't tell me...

And of course, out comes the copycat, Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: You're welcome!

He then webs up at a roof and swings away.

Gwen: Hey!

I try to catch up to him but I couldn't. He was gone.

Gwen: Dammit!


I swing around, searching for more crime. I suddenly hear a cry for help and swing in the direction of the cry.

???: Help! That man robbed me!

I see an employee for a convenience store running after the robber that had a bag in his hand.

???: That man stole all the money in the cash register! Somebody help!

Gwen: You're mine.

He runs into an alleyway and disappears from my site. I swing in there, drop down and land in front of him.

Gwen: Stop! You're not going... anywhere...

He's already webbed up. He's upside down and his body wrapped up in webs.

Robber: Ah! Help me! Please!

Gwen: What the heck...

I leave the alleyway and look at the employee. It was Spider-Man again!

Spider-Man: There you are sir.

He hands him the bag of money the robber had.

Employee: Thank you so much! I'm glad there's people like you on the streets.

Spider-Man: No problem sir, you be safe now-

Gwen: Hey!!!

I yell at him and he turns to me quickly.

Spider-Man: Uh oh, gotta go.

He throws a web at a building and swings away. I quickly do the same and follow him.

Gwen: Stop! Now!

Spider-Man: No way, leave me alone.

Gwen: I'm serious!

Spider-Man: Make me!

Gwen: Tsk, alright then...

I aim my web shooter at him and shoot it. It attaches to his back and I immediately pull him back.

Spider-Man: Woah!

He gets thrown back and lands on his back on a rooftop. I then jump at him and try to land a punch but he rolls and dodges it. We both stand up and look at each other.

Spider-Man: What the fuck do you want?!

Gwen: I want you to stop taking my thing! You're a copycat!

Spider-Man: Well, you gotta be quicker if you want to keep your title "Protector of the City"

Gwen: Grr...

I tried to shoot a web at him but he was quicker and shot at my web shooter. He blocked it and then shot at my other web shoot.

Spider-Man: Geez, you suck.

Gwen: Shut up!

I go ahead and remove his webs from my web shooters and as I do, we both hear sirens driving by.

Gwen: (Gasp) There's trouble.

I try and run to it but he immediately webs both of my feet.

Gwen: What the heck?!

You: Don't worry, I got it.

He starts running in the direction of the sirens and begins to web across buildings.

Gwen: Stop!

I try and shoot a web at him again but some of his webs were still blocking my web shooter.

Gwen: Dammit! (Sigh)

I give up and just begin to remove all the webs he shot at me. After that, I just turn around, go home and try again tomorrow.

FriEnemies: Spider-Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now