07: Assignment Finished

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(Your POV)

Once again, I went over to Gwen's place after school that way we can revise and edit our work before we turn it in. We were able to finish it within an hour.

Gwen: Alright! Done! We can turn this in now!

You: Sweet! That was pretty easy.

Gwen: It was, honestly. Which makes sense because it's the start of the year still and they're already making us do this much work.

You: Yeah... But anyway, I should go.

I start putting everything in my backpack and was about to put it on, but Gwen grabbed my arm.

You: Hmm?

Gwen: How about you stay and watch a coupe movies with me?

You: Huh?

Gwen: I was about to watch one tonight when you left, but it's way too early for you to leave.

It was way too sudden for her to ask that, and I really do want to stay and watch a movie with her. We could potentially get a lot closer than we are now, which will probably make it quicker for me to get her as my girlfriend. But that depends,

You: What movie are we watching?

Gwen: We could watch a movie you want to watch first and then watch one that I want to watch.

You: Hmm...

Gwen: I can bring us popcorn and drinks.

You: Sure, why not? I'll stay.

Gwen: Oh good!

I put my backpack down and sat on Gwen's bed. She turned the TV on and handed me the remote.

Gwen: Go find a movie you want to watch and I'll go make popcorn downstairs.

You: Okay.

Gwen: And go ahead and sit up to where my pillows are at. The edge of the bed could get uncomfortable.

You: Alrighty.

Gwen leaves the room as I reposition myself and lie on the left side of her bed. I found a comedy movie that I watched before but would be nice to watch it again.

I wait for Gwen to come back and when she did, she had a bowl of popcorn in her hand and two soda cans. She hands me a can, places the bowl next to me and sits on the right side of the bed.

You: Thank you.

Gwen: Of course! So, what movie are we watching first?

You: This one.

She looks at the screen.

Gwen: Oo~ A comedy?

You: Yup! Is that cool?

Gwen: Yeah, I love comedies!

You: Sweet, alright, let's play it.

The movie starts and we pay full attention to it.


After we watched my movie, Gwen started playing a movie she wanted to watch. We've finished the popcorn and drank our sodas. She put the empty bowl on the ground so we didn't have a bowl in between us.

During the movie, I started feeling a bit sleepy. I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't help it. I buried my head deeper into her pillows and closed my eyes for a bit. I was gonna open them after a few minutes but that didn't work. I fell asleep.

(Gwen's POV)

I was enjoying the movie and really getting into it. I then hear Y/n next to me start breathing loudly like he was asleep. I turn to him and I was right, he was fast asleep on my bed.

You: Zzz...

Gwen: aww~

He looked so cute and peaceful while sleeping. I had the urge to just scoot closer to him and cuddle with him, but that'll just wake him up.

Gwen: Hmm...

Instead, I just carefully scoot closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder. I start blushing because right after, he nuzzles his cheek on my head. I then thought about how awesome it would be if I able to sleep next to him, while I'm resting my head on him.

And that's what I did. I went ahead and closed my eyes too, hoping I could just sleep as well and it worked.

(Your POV)

I woke up from my nap and slowly opened my eyes. I was confused where I was at as I wasn't familiar with the setting I was in, but then realized that I was still in Gwen's room. I look around and then at the TV. I see that the credits are rolling and the movie is over.

You: Shoot, I slept...

I then started to stretch, but the realized that Gwen was leaning on my shoulder and was also asleep too. I feel myself getting red a bit.

You: (Gasp) No way...

I've always wanted this! A really pretty girl to sleep on my shoulder, I've always thought it would be awesome! But sadly, my movements from stretching caused her to wake up and stretch as well.

You: (Sigh) Good job me...

I could've stayed the night here. She started stretching and cutely, she started rubbing her eyes on my shoulder and I freaked out in the inside. I then sat up and looked down at her. Once she was finished stretching, she looked up at me.

Gwen: ah... I fell asleep...

You: Me too, don't worry.

Gwen: (yawns)

She then sat up next to me and looked at the TV.

Gwen: Oh, movies over.

You: Yup.

She grabbed the remote and exited out of the movie. I got up and decided that it was time for me to leave.

You: I'm gonna to get going.

Gwen: Alrighty...

Gwen also got up and stood beside me.

You: Thanks for letting me stay and watch a couple movies. I mean, a movie and like 1/5th.

Gwen: (giggles) Yeah, anytime. I like spending time with you.

You: Really?

My heart started beating fast after she said that.

You: I like spending time with you too.

Gwen: That's good. We both find enjoyment when we're around each other.

You: Yeah... I guess we do...

Gwen: Here, I'll lead you out.

Gwen and I left her room and she walked me to her front door. She opened it for me as I was putting on my shoes.

You: Again, great job on the assignment and thanks for letting me chill here.

Gwen: Of course, we should hang out more often.

You: I'd like that.

We both smiled at each other after I said that. She then went up to me and gave me a hug, which I immediately hugged her back.

Gwen: Text me, okay? We'll schedule a day to hang out.

You: Alrighty, I will.

After a few seconds, we break the hug.

Gwen: Cool. See you tomorrow at school.

You: Yeah, see ya.

She then closes the door and I start walking towards my house. I smile the whole way, thinking about Gwen and how much I would be lucky if I had her as my own girlfriend.

FriEnemies: Spider-Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now