09: Hanging Out

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(Your POV)

It's a weekend and Gwen and I decided to do something together today. She said that she wanted to try this new restaurant downtown. The restaurant seems to focus more on Italian dishes.

So, right now, me and her are sitting down in the restaurant. We've already ordered our meals, we're just waiting for it to come.

Gwen: Oh dear, look at this.

You: Hmm?

Gwen showed me a news article that was on her phone. It was about Spider-Man and Spider-Woman.

You: " Dark Spider Join Forces with Ghost Spider" What's up with that?

Gwen: He's trying to get all the attention.

You: Well, I don't think he's doing anything. Their just partners fighting the bad guys.

Gwen: Yeah? Well, look at this.

Gwen pulls up a different news article and shows it to me.

You: "Dark Spider Tries To Steal Ghost Spider's Spotlight!" Dark Spider and Ghost Spider?

Gwen: Ghost Spider is the nickname for Spider-Woman and Dark Spider is what they now call Spider-Man.

You: Oh, that's cool... How though?

Gwen: It says in the article that some people might have gotten a bit upset of the fact that a woman has been keeping the city safe, not a man. So they're thinking that a group of men have done something to a man to gain the powers of Spider-Woman, so that she can retire and the city could be safer, knowing a guy is protecting it.

You: What?! That shouldn't be right. That article is stupid.

Gwen: Yeah, not a lot of great reviews on it. A lot of people saying that it doesn't matter, boy or girl, the city is at least being protected.

You: It's actually pretty awesome how it was being protected by a girl.

Gwen: And then Spider-Man showed up, trying to take her job away.

You: Well, maybe he isn't. Maybe he just wants to work with her and partner up.

I say that as it's true. I do want to work with Spider-Woman and keep this city more safer, instead of competing with her.

Gwen: Well, what if he is trying to steal her job? That's just not right, she was there first.

You: Man, you really hate Spider-Man and just love Spider-Woman.

Gwen: Yeah, I'm a big fan of Spider-Woman. I've actually met her, she's a really cool person.

You: Seriously?! That's amazing, I wish I got to meet her.

Gwen: I'm sure she'll find you charming.

You: What would you want to say to that Spider-Man?

Gwen: Hmm... That he's a loser and to do his own thing.

You: Wow, okay then.

After a few more minutes, our food arrives and we go ahead and start eating as we change the subject and discuss about school.


Me and Gwen left the restaurant, a bit upset with how the quality was.

Gwen: I mean, it wasn't that bad.

You: You sure? You didn't eat all of your Pasta and when the waitress asked if you needed a to-go box, you declined.

Gwen: Yeah, I know. But, you liked it, right? You ate all of your Spaghetti.

You: Yeah, but slowly. I gotta admit, it was disappointing.

Gwen: (Sigh) I know, I'm sorry.

You: It's not your fault.

Gwen: Yeah, but you paid for us. I brought us there and I didn't even enjoy it.

You: No, it's totally okay.

I look at Gwen and she's upset about her decision of eating there and that I paid for us. We stopped at the crosswalk and before we crossed, we looked both ways and I offered Gwen my hand. I wanted to hold her hand, not only so that she would know that I'm not upset, but also I just wanted to hold it in general.

Gwen: Hmm?

You: We gotta hold hands before we cross the street, right?

Gwen: (giggles) Sure, I guess.

She grabs my hand and we start crossing the street. I feel my face heat up a bit but I try not to make it awkward. When we arrive at the end of the crosswalk, I don't let go of her hand and she doesn't either. We continue to walk hand in hand.

You: Honestly, I was already thinking that it was going to be disappointing before we even went inside.

Gwen: Really? Why?

You: Well, it just looked disappointing. You know what I like to say to others?

Gwen: What?

You: Expect disappointment and you will never be disappointed.

Gwen: Oh... Okay then... Is that how you think of many things?

You: No, not many things. Just things that already look disappointing. Like Miles.

Gwen: (Laughs) That's messed up!

You: Yeah, it is.

Gwen: I mean, his grades are low and he doesn't seem like he has a bright future ahead of him.

You: (Laughs) Okay, now THAT'S messed up.

Gwen: Haha! Yeah, we're not good friends to him.

You: If I don't talk crap to him, he's not really my best friend. We both do, but we also know that we have each others back if anything goes down.

Gwen: You two are great friends.

Me and Gwen continued to just walk around Downtown for a bit, seeing what we can do until we decided it was time to go home.

FriEnemies: Spider-Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now