12: Announcement

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(Your POV)

Valentine's Day is this Friday and the school announced that they will be hosting a special dance for couples on Friday night. My thoughts immediately think of Gwen when I heard that announcement. I should definitely ask her out but obviously, just like a lot of people, I'm really nervous to do so.

???: Hey!

You: Huh?!

My thoughts get interrupted when Peter started snapping his fingers in front of my face, followed up by the sound of Miles's laughter.

Peter: You still with us?

You: Uh...

I look down at my desk and forgot I'm doing a class assignment with Peter and Miles.

You: Uh, yeah. Sorry, just spacing out.

I look at both Peter and Miles and they start smiling at each other. It confuses me so I ask,

You: What?

Miles: You're thinking about Gwen, aren't you?

You: What?

Peter: And how you're going to ask her out to that dance on Valentine's day.

You: What?

I act like I'm not actually thinking of that when of course they're right.

You: Nooooooo, what do you mean-

Miles: Shut the fuck up.

You: Okay fine! Yeah, I am.

My acting didn't work and they laugh a bit.

You: (Sigh) Sorry Miles.

Miles: For what?

You: Trying to steal Gwen.

Miles: Nah, I don't like her.

You: Oh? Really?

Miles: Yup, she's all yours.

He says as he continues to copy off from Peter's paper. Peter just rolls his eyes and focuses his attention on me.

Peter: This'll be interesting. I'm planning on asking MJ to the Dance today. When will you ask her out?

You: Um... I'm not sure, just sometime next week.

Peter: Well, you better do it fast.

You: Why?

Peter: You don't know if someone's going to take her heart away from you before you ask her out.

He then returns to his sheet and I just sit there, worried that someone might actually ask her out before me. I mean, she's the closest lady friend I have. We've hung out a lot and I slept over once as well, those are big signs that she's into me.

I can't play this dumb, I know she likes me back.

Or maybe she's just a person that has no sense of personal space and does this with every guy she's really close to.

No, that can't be it. She obviously likes you back, you stupid fucker.

Or maybe I'm just easy and she actually doesn't like me in that way of which I like her. She just does things that makes me assume she likes me.

Bitch, she fed you ice cream from her own spoon, she held your hand and she cuddled with you in bed!

Actually, WE held her hand and she held it back and she said that WE cuddled with her and she just let it be because of our body heat.

FriEnemies: Spider-Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now