Chapter Three ~ Alissa

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RM walks over to the door and opens it. Alissa walks in. They're pretty short, around 5'2 and they have dark skin and short, black hair. "This is my brother, Oliver." RM states. The fact that they referred to me as her brother sends a shock of euphoria throughout my body. I wave and smile at them. "Hello Oliver, my name is Allisa." They shake my hand. "It's nice to meet you, Alissa!" I smile. We all walk downstairs, into the basement and in RM's room. RM puts on their playlist and, feeling a bit awkward, I sit on her bed. Alissa sits on the little couch next to RM's bed. "So how long have you guys been friends?" I ask, looking between my sibling and her friend. "We just met, but we're good friends already." Alissa winks at RM. Odd. "Yeah we've been friends for about a week."

The three of us spent the rest of the night talking and laughing, we even did karaoke for a while. I had lots of fun and I even bonded with Alissa. "I should get going but we definitely need to do this again!" Alissa smiles. "Before I go, Oliver- here's my number!" They hand me a piece of paper, which has their phone number on it. "Thanks!" I smile brightly at them. Then Alissa leaves and it's just me and RM. "They're nice." I say, genuinely. RM nods. "Obviously something else is going on between you." I smile, wiggling my eyebrows at her. RM rolls their eyes and throws a pillow at me. "Shut up! We're just friends!" They exclaim. "Yeah. For now~" I tease. "Get out." They state, crossing their arms. "Okay okay, I'll leave you alone." Chuckling, I stand up. I walk upstairs and into the kitchen.

I see mom once I get to the kitchen. "Hey mom." I smile. She looks up. "Oh hey, Oliver. How was your day, sweetie?" She called me Oliver... She really does accept me. "Good, I hung out with Rosemary and Alissa." After we talk for a bit I decide to head upstairs for a while. I grab my notebook and plop onto my bed.


I think I made a new friend? I should tell LouLou. Their name is Alissa and they're really nice. And very funny. I think we're gonna get super close and become great friends :)

I close my notebook and grab my phone, opening the contacts. I click LouLou's contact and start texting her.


guess what

You met Harry Styles?


i made a new friend



their name is alissa





i came out




it didn't go well...

Oh I'm sorry :(

Wanna call?

yes plz

My phone starts ringing and I immediately answer it. "Hi." I say. "Hey... I'm really sorry to hear about what happened. Do you wanna talk about it?" LouLou asks, concern lacing her voice. After I explain everything there is a long pause. "I'm gonna kill that bastard." Lou scowls, breaking the silence. I chuckle lightly. "It's getting kinda late and school starts tomorrow so we should get to bed." I say, rubbing my eyes. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow! Are we still meeting up at the front door?" I smile and say, "Yep I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, I love you!" I can hear the smile in Lou's voice when she says, "Night, love you too!" I hung up the phone and put it on the charger. I lay back in bed, too tired to change into my pajamas. Not too long after I close my eyes, I'm asleep.

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