Chapter Twelve ~ More Than Friends?

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Clay thinks for a moment, then he opens his mouth, only to immediately shut it. "So, you have feelings for me?" He asks after a while. "Yeah... and if you don't want to be friends anymore, I completely understand! I know you probably won't feel the same way." I look down and fiddle with my fingers. Clay stands there like a fish, opening and closing his mouth. After a few moments Clay walks over to me and places his hands on either side of my face. "I do like you, Oliver... a lot, actually." He laughs lightly, looking into my eyes.

"Wait... what?" I look into Clay's eyes as well. "I love you, Oliver." Clay smiles. I smile brightly and hug him tightly. Clay hugs back and we stay like that for a while, in each other's arms. "We should probably get back to the table." I hum, rubbing Clay's back. Clay nods and we let go of each other. "Before we go... we're boyfriends now... right?" Clay asks. I nod, a huge smile spread across my face. "Okay. Can we not tell anyone yet? I mean of course we can tell Tobi and Lou... but can we keep us a secret? Just for now?" Clay squints, waiting for my answer. "Yeah of course! I understand if you don't want to come out yet!" I smile comfortingly. We walk out of the bathroom and sit back down at the table. LouLou looks at me, asking for an answer. I look over at Clay and he nods, grabbing and squeezing my hand under the table.

"We're dating!" Oliver whispers. "Finally." Tobi rolls his eyes. "This idiot has been talking about you all week." LouLou squeals and grabs ahold of my other hand. "I'm so happy for you guys!" She beams. The rest of lunch goes by normally, except me and Clay holding hands under the table. The lunch bell rings and everyone begins filing out of the cafeteria. "Wanna come over after school?" Clay asks, as he walks me to my next class. "Yeah sure!" I beam.

After school I meet up with Clay and LouLou. "Alright, let's go!" I smile. We all begin walking home and eventually LouLou separates. Once we get to Clay's house I see Alissa sitting on the couch in the living room. "Hey!" I beam. They smile and wave. Clay leads me to his room and we sit on his bed. We can hear it begin to rain outside.

The rest of the evening is spent cuddling and watching youtube videos. When it's time for me to leave it's dark outside. "I'll walk you home!" Clay offers. I nod and we walk into the living room. "See you later, Alissa!" They wave goodbye. Clay and I put our shoes on and Clay grabs an umbrella. Then we begin our walk to my house.

Once we get to my house we hug goodbye and I start to walk up to the door. Clay thinks for a second before yelling, "Wait!" He drops the umbrella and runs up to me. He holds either side of my face. We're mere inches away from one another. "Can I kiss you?" Clay asks, breathless. I don't answer, I just press my lips to his. It feels like fireworks are going off around us. My whole body is tingling. It's like we're the only two people in the world who matter. After a few seconds we pull away, both of us out of breath and smiling like idiots. "I'll see you tomorrow!" I beam, by now we're both drenched in rain.

We say our goodbyes and I go inside. " Was that boy you were kissing on the front porch Clay?" RM asks, sipping their iced coffee. I jump. "Jesus, don't scare me like that!" I yelp, my hand on my chest. "But yes, yes it was." I smile. I head upstairs and change my bed, as I'm soaking wet. Laying down on my bed, I grab my notebook. 

Today was amazing.

I asked Clay out, and surprisingly he said yes!!! We're dating now but he wants to keep it a secret. Not for long though! He's just not ready to come out yet. We had our first kiss a few minutes ago! It was amazing.

I'm so glad he likes me back.

With that, I decide to get some sleep, still smiling. 

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