Chapter Two ~ Coming Out

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Okay... Today I'm coming out.

By the time dinner rolls around I'm a nervous wreck. I'm sweating profusely and my hands won't stop shaking. "Sweetie! Your father's here! It's time for dinner!" Mom yells up the stairs. I wipe the sweat off of my forehead and take a deep breath. I can do this! Right? I shakily walk downstairs, holding onto the wall for support. It's now or never. Wish me luck.

As everyone sits down, RM glaring at our dad, I think over what I'm going to say. Should I do it before or after we eat? "Okay sweetie, what is it you wanted to say?" Mom asks, making the decision for me. RM gives me a knowing look, wishing me luck. I take a deep breath, closing my eyes. "Well... Mom dad- I'm- I- um- I'm trans!" I stutter, squeezing my eyes shut. There's silence. And then there isn't. I hear dad chuckle and I open my eyes. "You're joking... right?" My dad, Andre, asks, smiling. I shake my head, my whole body trembling. "I want you to call me Oliver. And use he/him pronouns when you're referring to me." I spit out, shakily. I look over to mom, who seems to be in shock.

"No. You're my daughter. There's nothing you can do to change that." Dad huffs, standing up abruptly. He leaves the room. "I- I'm going to go speak with your father." Mom says, standing up. I let out a breath and drop my head on the table. RM, not knowing how to comfort people, pats my back awkwardly. We can hear our parents screaming at each other.

"No daughter of mine will be a tranny." My eyes go wide. How could- how could he call me that? I can feel the tears falling down my face. I mean, I figured he wouldn't accept me but I never, never, thought he would call me that. We hear mom smack him. Then we hear him push her back. RM stands up quickly and runs in the other room. "Get out." I hear her say. "No." RM must be really angry now. "Get out!" She yells. Without thinking I stand up and rush into the other room. I push my 'father' and yell, "Get the fuck out, you piece of shit!" 'Dad' rolls his eyes. "You will never be my son." He spits. Then he walks over to the door, slamming it on his way out. RM follows close behind him, locking it once he's out. I fall to my knees, holding my face in my hands.

I feel mom sit next to me, wrapping her arms around me. This is not how I wanted this to go. "This was a mistake... I shouldn't have said anything." I sob. "Sweetie, I accept you! Don't listen to what that old man says! You are perfect, and if you want me to call you Oliver... I will." I look up to see her smiling softly. "Really?" I ask, tears still falling from my eyes. Mom laughs lightly. "Of course! If that's what you want; if that's what will make you happy." I hug her and I see RM standing awkwardly, contemplating if they should join or not. Mom and I hold open our arms, inviting them in. Even though she's not much of a hugger, they join the group hug.

We sit like that for a moment before RM shimmies out of the hug, claiming that they're going downstairs. I chuckle and let go of my mother, rubbing my eyes. "I think I'm gonna go to bed." I mumble. "Okay hun, if you need to talk I'm always here." She smiles, hugging me one last time. I make my way upstairs and sit at my desk in the corner of my room. I pull out my notebook and open to a clean page.

I did it. It didn't go very well but at least mom accepts me? Dad threw a fit and called me a very bad word. Then he said I would never be his son... That hurt but I guess it doesn't matter since I won't see him much. I don't want him in my life anymore. I hate him. And he obviously hates me. I know he always has. Rosemary has always been his favorite. None of that matters anymore though. I came out. Now I need to focus on making friends before LouLou moves.

With that I decide it's time for bed.

Beep beep beep. Just like every morning, I groan and hit the stupid alarm clock, silencing it. I sit up and stretch, just like every morning and change into some random clothes. As I walk downstairs I see RM in the living room, which is odd. She's always in her room. "Hey." I smile. RM waves silently, still looking at their phone. I sit next to them on the couch. "So I was gonna ask if you could introduce me to Alissa?" I ask, smiling nervously. RM looks over at me, raising an eyebrow. "You tryna leech off my friends?" I chuckle then nod slowly. "Yeah sure... They're coming over today so you can hangout with us, if you want." they suggest. Wait, really? "Thank you!" I smile widely. "They'll be here soon. Are you really wearing that?" She asks, looking me up and down. What's wrong with what I'm wearing? I look down. I'm in a pair of skinny jeans and a white and yellow T-shirt. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I whine. "Everything." RM scowls playfully. I playfully smack them. "Come with me I have some masculine clothes." She says, grabbing my arm and leading me downstairs. "Okay murder person." I laugh.

Once they're done with me I'm wearing light tan jeans, a dark green turtleneck, a dark brown jacket, and light brown converse. I don't look terrible, actually. "See that's better." RM smiles proudly. Suddenly the doorbell goes off. "They're here."

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