Chapter Fourteen ~ Coming Out

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I wake up to a message from Clay, or should I say, my boyfriend.

Clay <3

I'm ready to come out

omg really??

Yeah !

Will you help me ?

of course!

Okay !

See you at school <3

I pocket my phone and get ready for school. I rush downstairs and throw on my shoes. "Bye!" I yell before rushing out the door. When I get to school I see LouLou and Clay talking.

"Hey!" I beam, running up to them. "Hello!" Clay grins. We walk to class like normal. We sit in our seats like normal. "Okay so I wanted to tell my friends at lunch!" Clay grins. I nod and before we can talk anymore Ms. B walks in.

Soon enough it's time for lunch. Clay and I walk over to his old table, where all of his friends sit. They're all talking about whatever idiots talk about. "Guys..." Clay begins. They all look at him, questioning looks on their stupid faces. "What's up bro?" Mason asks, smirking. "Well I just wanted to tell you... I'm gay. And Oliver is my boyfriend." He states proudly, linking arms with me.

"Are you joking?" Mason laughs. "So you are a fag." Ben joins. Everyone laughs at that. "Alright dipshits. My boyfriend was brave enough to come out to you, his 'friends'-" I do air quotes around "friends." "So if you can't do the bare fucking minimum and support him... Then you don't need to be in his life." With that we turn around and march back to our table. Clay smiles at me. As we sit down Clay kisses me on the cheek. "Now you're the one sticking up for me." Clay laughs. "I'm proud of you." I grin.

We finish up our lunch and walk to class. Before I walk away Clay pulls me into a hallway. "How did you come out to your parents?" He asks. "Well I just sat them down and told them. It was pretty nerve wracking but I did it! And you can too!" I smile and we go our separate ways. After school LouLou and I walk home together. Clay got picked up today. Once I get home I head upstairs. I sit in my spinny chair and grab my notebook.

I think Clay's coming out to his parents today! I'm proud of him. I hope everything goes well. Hopefully he updates me...

I decide to take a nap while waiting for Clay to update me. I wake up to my phone buzzing. Clay texted.

Clay <3

He accepts me !!

that's amazing!! i'm so
happy for you!


I couldn't have done it without you

love you <3

I love you too <33

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