Chapter Four ~ First Day Of School

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Beep beep beep. I hit my alarm clock and sit up. Today's the day. My first day of high school. I get up and change into a band T and some black ripped skinny jeans. As I run downstairs the smell of pancakes begins to fill my nose. Mom must be making breakfast. Once I make it into the kitchen I see that it's RM, not mom. "G'morning." She hums. "Morning." I sit down at the table and grab a plate of pancakes. As I'm eating, mom comes into the kitchen. After I'm done eating I walk over to the door and shove my feet in my shoes. "See you after school!" I yell before dashing out the door. The school is within walking distance and I prefer to walk anyways.

As soon as the front doors of the school come into view I see LouLou's multi-colored skin. She has vitiligo. "Oliver!" She screams, tackling me into a hug. "It feels like I haven't seen you in ages!" She whines. Chuckling, I hug her back. "We should get to class. We don't want to be late for class on the first day, do we?" LouLou whines but let's go nonetheless. "What class do you have first?" She asks. "Math, you?" She groans and says, "Science." We say our goodbyes and go our separate ways.

As I enter the noisy classroom I see two empty seats. One next to a mean-looking senior girl and one next to another freshman boy. I decide to sit next to the other freshman, not wanting to be bullied so early on in the year.

"Hello! I'm Clay!" The boy, Clay, says as soon as I sit down next to him. "Oh- uhm- hello! I'm Oliver!" I reply, smiling. He seems sweet enough. A guy wearing a denim jacket approaches us. "Hey Clay. Who's this? Your boyfriend?" The boy sneers, nudging the other dude in the ribs. All I can focus on is the fact that I passed! I can't believe it! I passed! Remembering what was actually said made the euphoria go away. Obviously they look down on gay people. And being "gay people" that made me quite upset. "No. I barely know the guy. We just met." Clay states. The dude in the denim jacket rolls his eyes. "Yeah sure, whatever you say." Him and the other guy walk off. "Don't mind him, he's quite a dickhead sometimes." Clay smiles, nudging me with his shoulder. I smile. "The one in the jacket is Mason and the other one is Ben." Clay says. "Does Ben always follow Mason around like a puppy?" Clay chuckles at that. "Pretty much, yeah."

Just then the teacher walks in. She's a tall pale woman with almost white hair. She's definitely in her thirties. "Alright class, today we're just introducing ourselves." She claps her hands together, as if this is something to be excited about. Great. Maybe if I'm doing something she won't call on me? I take out my notebook and begin writing.

I start high school today. Yay.

I'm in class right now and it's boring. Hopefully the teacher doesn't call on me. We're introducing ourselves... The guy sitting next to me, Clay, is kinda cute. Even though he's most definitely straight. And even if he is gay, which is definitely isn't, he would never date someone like me. He would want someone attractive. 

"Crystal! Would you like to introduce yourself?" I cringe. Mom should have emailed the school telling them about my name and pronoun change. "It's actually Oliver now. My mom should have emailed you?" The woman gasps. I can feel the students' eyes on me, staring holes into my back. "Oh shoot, sweetie I am so sorry. Oliver, would you like to introduce yourself?" I sigh. "Hi, I'm Oliver and I like playing ukulele I guess?" It comes out more of a question than a statement. I can hear the giggles from around the classroom. It's like they're surrounding me. There's even a few insults going around. "Why is she pretending to be a boy?" "Oh my God, we have a tranny in class." Those were just a few. I look down and start fiddling with my fingers.

The teacher, Ms B, goes on continuing until she reaches Clay. "Clay it's your turn." He clears his throat before speaking. "Hello, my name is Clay! I like playing soccer, reading, and my favorite school subject is science!" He smiles. He's definitely straight. But he's still pretty cute. "I think that's everyone! So~ for the rest of the class you can have free time!"

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