Season 2 Episode 23

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: This is a rewrite of my fanfiction Secret Keeper from It was written 8 years ago and to be honest not really one of my favorites anymore. The further I got away from it and then came back to it the more I started to not like it. But I do know that there are those who do like it (Since it has been copied and posted by another user 3 separate times.) There are times when it seems some storylines are similar to other storylines. This was my first FanFic and I honestly had no idea what I was doing. So please bear with me. Love You all and your support. 

Four wise men once said: "I get by with a little help from my friends. On the Upper East Side, there's the added challenge of figuring out who those friends really are.

Layla sat in the back of a cab between Chuck and Georgina.

"Do you have a glass" Chuck asked the driver getting an eye roll from Layla.

"No, man, what do you think this is?" the cab driver said.

"Were in a taxi Chuck" Layla said as Chuck's phone rang and he answered.

"Hello?... How so?... Well, his suits never did fit right...How much did he get?... As fast as I can, given my current transportation situation...I'll explain when I get there but you also need to thank A" Chuck hung up and then handed his flask to Layla.

"I'm good Chuck" Layla replied.

He then offered it to Georgina.

"No, thank you. The Lord cannot enter a body sullied by alcohol."

"Good, because I like to be the one doing the entering. To each their own holy water." Chuck said.

Layla rolled her eyes as her phone buzzed


They arrived at the Van der woodsens and headed upstairs

"Chuck you should have dropped me off at home, I just want to see Sophie" Layla said

"Who's Sophie" Georgina asked.

"No one you need to know" Chuck said.

"Where's Blair?"

"I agreed to give you a ride. Meals are not included."

"I told you, I just want to apologize. One of the most sacred acts is the ritual of forgiveness."

"Why is it when you say "ritual" I think human sacrifice?"

"If I wanted to hurt Blair, don't you think I would've done it by now?"

"Wait here G" Layla said walking toward Serena's bedroom

She walked in to see Serena on the phone. Chuck came in right behind her

"Hey, Gabriel, it's me. Sorry I never came back this morning. But I was coming to tell you something, and then I I got scared because..."

"- I hope you had an enjoyable ride back on my leather seats." Chuck whispered to Blair.

"Shh" Blair and Layla both said.

"....Um Because Well, I might as well just say it now, because I might get too scared again. I think I might be pregnant. OkayThat's it. Call me, please." Serena said and then hung up.

"The pregnancy ruse. Cliche but effective." Chuck said getting a glare from Layla "Make sure you arrange the meeting someplace where the authorities can surround him. No open spaces. You did call the police, right?"

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