chapter seven.

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Song for this chapter:

Intro by XX

"Just stay away."

"I'm not good."

His words echo in my mind. Why would he say that? Why would he think he's too dark for me? I've had plenty of dark things in my life I think I'm darker than he is. But that night on the roof didn't make him seem dark.

He's smart. He knows what to say. He has a sense of humor.

And he actually made me smile.

He made me feel like a different person. He made me feel brave in a way as we stood on that ledge.
And we've only spoken once for a brief time.

I clench my teeth as I lay in my new bed, thinking of the real reason why he wanted me to stay away from him.

When he said those words, I knew it was only the beginning. I will see him again and I will confront him. I will ask him why. I will tell him that he's the first person whose ever made me feel something I never thought I would feel.

I will.

"People see flying as freedom but one thing I know is that at one point, you have to land."

I keep replaying every word he spoke to me on the roof. I wonder if he feels exactly what I feel. If he's alone.

I take a deep breath and shut my eyes, thinking of those green eyes and his words.


"You don't have to be afraid. They're nice people." Naomi brushes a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"What if they don't like me?" I ask, clutching my sock monkey close again, which I named after my daddy.


It's been a few weeks since he died. Naomi and Todd have been so nice to me and today, they're introducing me to their family.

"They'll love you." Naomi smiles. "Do you like candy?"

I nod.

"My mother loves candy so you'll get along with her just fine." She says and I loosen my grip on Roger.

"Okay." I say.

I watch from the front steps of the little blue house as a few cars pull into the driveway. I'm holding Naomi's hand as Todd walks down the walkway to greet the family. I look up at Naomi and she's smiling at the two old couple who walk side by side, smiling at each other.

They must be her mommy and daddy.

"Naomi." The lady smiles as she pulls her into her arms. "How are you?" She asks, pulling back so the man can give her a hug.

"I'm fine, mom." She says.

I watch as a few more people, young and old, walk up the driveway. A little girl with dark hair and big eyes clutches a woman's hand.

"And you must be Raina."

I blink up to the lady, Naomi's mommy. She bends down and holds out her hand, a heart-shaped candy in her palm.

"My name's Rachel." She says and I take the candy and that sends an even wider smile to appear on her face.

"You're Naomi's mommy." I say and she nods.

"Yes I am. And this his her dad, Michael." She says. I look up to the old man who has the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen. I can see where Naomi gets hers from because her mommy has brown eyes.

I shake Michael's hand before the little girl and her mom walks up to us.

"This is Georgina and her daughter Jacquelyn. Georgina is a very good friend of mine." Naomi says.

I watch the little girl as she stares at me. "I'm Jackie." She holds her hand out.


The alarm clock on the bedside beeps noisily. I groan as I slam my hand onto the snooze button. I should just sleep in.

I groan again. My head is pounding like someone is hammering my temple.

I can't sleep in today. I have to work on a project that's due as soon as school starts up again.

It's 6:32am and I'm up this early because I haven't even started the damn thing. School starts tomorrow so I definitely have to get up.

I quickly dress into my infamous dark jeans and a white t-shirt, pulling my leather jacket over it.

As I walk out of my bedroom, I'm welcomed by the silence of the apartment.

Jackie and Fredrick must still be asleep. I quietly head to the bathroom, wash up and gulp down two pain killers before grabbing the keys and leaving the apartment.

Today's assignment:

• photograph daily life and/or scenery
• edit photos
• print

It's not much but I have to make sure they're perfect shots.

I head to the park with my camera in hand. It seems a lot of people like to run on Sunday's because it's the less busiest day of the week. I snap a shot of a runner by the sunrise. I look at the picture and frown.

It doesn't look great but the sunrise looks amazing. I climb to the top of a hill and find a bench. I stop before walking over to the bench.

The sight is beautiful. I quickly bring my camera up and focus the lens, capturing the lone bench with the sunset.


I nod proudly at the picture and walk back down the hill.

I get back late and as I shut the door of the apartment, Jackie runs out.

"Jesus, where were you?" She asks.

"I was out taking pictures." I say. "Why?" I ask, surprised by her reaction as I came in.

"Do you ever watch the news?" She rushes to the living room tv and switches it on.

A man sits behind a desk and News10 flashes across the screen. I cross my arms as I hear what he has to say.

"Last nights' event is still roaming the streets of the city. Gun shots were fired last night in a night club called Trilly's. Two men were shot dead. We've just gotten word that the bodies were released to the families and as for the shooters, there is no word."

I watch as a camera shows the entrance of Trilly's. People are surrounding the club and some are in tears.

A woman, the reporter, pops up and begins to talk about the incident. The suspects are missing. They must've gotten away before the police showed up.

Jackie shuts the tv off and turns to me.

"We were there last night." She says. "We could've been those two people."

I stare at the blank screen as something horrible crosses my mind.

Something I can finally truly understand.

He was there.

He did this.



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