chapter eleven.

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Alycia's beautiful smile.

Atlas by Shannon Saunders

Finals week.

The most stressful week in every college students life.

Just the studying makes me want to dropout. But I know I can't. I've worked too hard to get here and I love what I do.

I shut my photography text book and lean back in my desk chair. Tomorrow's my last exam and I'm both nervous and relieved. Nervous because this will be the hardest test I've taken this week and relieved because it's the last one.

I stare up at the ceiling, my eyes feeling strained from the intense studying of the small font letters in the Photography For Photographers textbook.

"Knock knock." Jackie chimes. "We're going out tonight. I know how much stress these tests have been putting on you."

"Jackie, I don't think getting drunk is good for me right now." I tell her.

"Fine then we'll go to dinner with some of the girls." She says.

I want to roll my eyes but restrain from it. 'The Girls' are Jackie's three other close friends from NYU. I call them the Spoiled B's and not B for brats.

All they talk about is how much money they have and the guys who hit on them every minute.

"Yay." I say sarcastically and Jackie claps.

"Get dressed." She says.

An hour later, I'm sitting in an over crowded Sardi's.

"Good thing I made a reservation." Tiffany, a tall blonde who could pass as a high fashion model. She's Spoiled B number one. Her father's an owner of a very popular restaurant in Paris and her mother's a clothing designer. She's following in her mother's footsteps. "We would've been standing out there for hours."

Maggie, a twenty year old with short brown hair and bright blue eyes is Spoiled B number two. She obsesses over boys twenty four seven and cannot stop talking about the latest couple scandals.

Jane, a twenty one year old and is an actual model, Spoiled B number three. She's actually not too much of a Spoiled B like Tiffany and Maggie but she's in between. The only bad thing about her is that she's super skinny but talks about how fat she's getting and says she has to be careful of what she's eating. According to her food pyramid, she can only eat half of the last two blocks of the pyramid which I don't understand.

I also don't understand how Jackie came to meet the Spoiled B's.

It's like high school all over again.

"Ooo Tiff. I think that guy over there's checking you out." Maggie coos, her manicured nails clicking together as she points to a pale guy with long black hair.

Oh my god. I don't know if I can sit through this dinner for long.

"Speaking of attractive guys, how's Fredrick, Jac?" Jane asks, a perfect smile on her face.

Jackie begins to talk about her and Fredrick's disgustingly but beautiful romantic relationship. Their conversation fades as I begin to think about Harry.

It's been two weeks since I last seen him. He was so different after he walked me home and I'm so confused about him.

He seems more of the confused one but I don't know.

He said goodbye as if that were the last time we would see each other. Maybe it was.

But I still cherish the night we had at his apartment. He saved my life that day and I haven't stopped thinking about him overall. I've processed the conversation we had, him telling me about his job.

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