chapter twelve

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Song for this chapter:

Sparks by Coldplay (Cover)

It's just for two weeks.

I will be away from the city I love for two weeks.

I take a deep breath of the crisp air on the roof and breathe out.

"The cabs here, Raina." I hear Jackie yell. I sigh as I hurry off the roof and through the window.

Jackie is already pulling my suitcase out as I grab my bag and we head down the elevator.

"I hope everything's fine between them." Jackie says and I nod.

"Maybe it's a lovers quarrel. They'll get through it." I shrug.

The elevator dings and the doors open to reveal Harry standing, a SnapBack covering the mess of curls that lay on his head with an envelope in his hands.

"You're leaving." He says and I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

Jackie turns to me and then back to Harry.

"Um." She starts. "I'll go put these in the cab."

She takes my bag and walks out of the building.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I step off the elevator.

"I was...I was going to drop this off." He raises the envelope. "Look you don't have to leave because of me."

I raise a brow and can't help but breathe a little laugh as I bite my lip.

"Don't flatter yourself." I say. "I'm not leaving because of you. I don't have to have to do anything because of you."

This time he opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"What is the real reason you came here, Harry? What's in the envelope?" I ask.

"I felt like I needed to explain things to you. Like what happened the other night and-"

"Nothing happened the other night. Trust me. You don't have to explain anything to me." I look back to the entrance of the building. Jackie's standing next to the cab, waiting for me. "I have to go."

"Where are you going?" He asks and I raise my brow again.

"Why would I tell you that?" I ask and he just smirks. I shake my head at him. "You're the most confusing person I've ever met."

"I could say the same for you." He says. "Why do you say that?"

"Well first you tell me to stay away from you because you're 'too dark for me' but then you have me in your bed. Second that same day, you said goodbye as if that was the last time I'd see you again and then last night I see you with a girl." I shake my head. "It's all very confusing."

He's smiling.

"What." I say harshly.

"You like me." He says. I stare at his green eyes before I shake my head and scoff.

I stand up straighter and put a neutral face on. "Goodbye, Harry." I say before I turn and leave him standing alone.

"See you later, Raina." He says and I bite my lip from smiling.

Naomi runs out of the little blue house I grew up in as the taxi pulls up the driveway. Her long brown hair whips back as she runs towards me and smiles brightly.

I smile back and drop my bags before she wraps her arms around me tight.

"I missed you so much." She says and I smile as I hug her back.

"I missed you too." I say before we pull apart.

"Look at you." She cheeses, her hands grabbing my face as she kisses my cheek. "You're so beautiful."

Her eyes aren't the lighter shade of blue I remembered and she seems smaller, thinner.

"You too." I smile.

"Come. I have lunch ready for you." She takes my suitcase while I pull my bag back up my arm.

As we enter the house, I get a familiar feeling of warmth and comfort. Everything looks so clean and I have a feeling things are a little more bad than Naomi makes it seem. The only time the house is ever really clean is when she's alone. She does nothing but clean and tidy things up when she's upset or alone. The scent of a warm apple pie fills my senses and I smile.

"Welcome home." She says.

"Where's Todd?" I ask as I set my bag down on the steps.

Naomi's smile fades slightly but forcefully reappears.

"He's working. He's been busy a lot lately." She says. "So it's just us two for tonight."

I look at her, waiting to see if she'd break right in front of me. But she just grabs my suitcase again and walks past me up the stairs.

I sigh as I begin to follow her, wanting desperately to know what's been going on between Todd and her. Things don't feel right. It feels foreign.

She opens the door to my bedroom and sets the suitcase down on the full bed. Everything looks as I left it last summer, when I last visited. It's been a whole year and now that I think about it, I could've visited more.


"This room was set up for my baby but I lost her." She says, a tear slipping down her cheek. Out of instinct, I reach out and wipe the tear away. She gasps.

She stares at me, her big blue eyes showing fascination.

"I'm sorry you lost her." I say.

She smiles lightly. "You're very kind." She whispers. She thanks me and stands to her feet as Todd walks up to the doorway.


"Are you hungry?" Naomi pulls me out of the memory.

"Sure." I say.

The kitchen looks the same. Same colors, same arrangement.

"I made pepperoni sandwiches." She smiles. "You're favorite."

"I missed them so much." I laugh lightly as she sets the sandwiches on the table.

I remember eating these sandwiches when I first arrived here. It's like a pizza but on a sandwich with toasted bread, tomato sauce layered with shredded cheese and pepperonis.

"I know." She says and I laugh again as we sit at the table.

"I've tried making them back in the city but they never turn out as great as yours." I confess and she laughs as I take a bite, shutting my eyes and moaning as the familiar taste of the sauce mixed with everything touches my tongue. "So good." I whisper as she smiles at me.

"I'm so glad your back, Raina." She says as I swallow the last bite. She's picking at the bread, her nails look bitten down and small. I take her hand and hold it.

"What's going on?" I ask, frowning. "I've never seen you like this."

She's quiet as she shakes her head.

"Please tell me." I say softly.

"Raina, I don't want to burden you with this. I don't want you to come here and have to deal with my troubles. I can't do that to you." She says.

"You're not burdening me. You're my family and I want to know your problems because I love you." I say, squeezing her hand lightly. "Is it Todd?"

She nods slightly.

"He's divorcing me." She finally says.


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