chapter twenty three.

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Moondust by Jaymes Young


"Raina." Daddy calls my name.
I open my eyes to see him looking down at me, his eyes red. "Come on. We have to go." He says.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he begins to walk through my room, my favorite pink book bag in his hands as he stuffs things like toys and clothes inside. "Daddy?" I rub my eyes of my short nap as I hold my sock monkey and listen to him talk to himself as he packs things in my bag.

He zips the bag shut and walks over to me quickly, grabbing my rainbow shoes and putting them on for me.

"Daddy?" I call him again but he doesn't answer. He picks me up and I instinctively wrap my arms around his neck, leaning my head on his shoulder as he rushes out of my pink and purple bedroom and down the stairs.

I watch everything pass in a blur as we get outside. He opens the car door in the front and sits me inside.
I smile at the fact that I'm sitting in the front as he buckles me in, tears slipping down his cheek.

"Daddy." I bring my hand up and touch his face. He flinches and pulls away, shutting the door.


My eyes fly open to see darkness but then I remember the black hood over my head.

I try to move but my hands and feet are tied against the chair I'm sitting on. I shiver from the coldness hitting me.

Am I outside?

I flinch when the black hood is finally pulled from my head and a bright light appears in my sight.

I'm in a room. I look up at my capture and realization hits me.

The man Harry was with that night.

"Hello Raina." He says, my name sounding dirty leaving his lips.

"H-how do you know my name?" I ask as he throws the hood onto a table by the door which is shut. I look around the room. It looks to be an old bedroom, light wood floors that most likely have been eaten away by termites, the wallpaper peeling, and the furniture is old.

"That doesn't matter." He says as he pulls a chair up and sits in front of me.

"Why am I here?" I gulp.

He narrows his beady eyes at me with a smirk.

"I think you know why." He says.

I avert my eyes away from his and look down at my lap.
I'm here because of Harry but I still don't understand why I'm really here.

"Your boyfriend doesn't want to work for me anymore." He says. I frown at my lap as I process his words.
And I have a feeling I, in a way, put myself in this place.

I'm the one who wanted Harry to stop.
He came and told this guy he wanted to stop.

And he did it for me.


"I need Harry for these jobs. He's good at them but for the past few weeks, there's been something changed about him. He's more...careful." He says.

I look up at him.

"Shouldn't he be careful?" I ask. "Shouldn't your job involve being careful?"

He smirks at me.

"Maybe." He says and I frown at his answer. "Being too careful just shows our customers that we actually have something to be worried about. No one wants to get caught, Raina."

I stare at him and think that he seems to be a simple minded guy. He doesn't seem to care of the consequences but I do.
I do because Harry is involved.

"Does he know I'm here?" I ask him and the room is silent.
Too silent.
"You could've just asked me here instead of kidnapping me." I say with a confidence I didn't know I had. "I would've came and you wouldn't have to tie me up."

"Because you would do anything for Harry." He says.
I don't break eye contact with him.

"I will always support him." I say.
He nods once.

"Even this?" He asks, his hands gesturing around him but I know he means the job.

I take a deep breath. "I can't say I fully support it but I can't stop him from doing what he feels is important." I say.

I hold my breath as I now know what I have to do.
I can't be with him.

He sighs before he stands, pulling a pocket knife out and I jump, thinking he's going to kill me now but he bends and cuts the tape that ties my feet to the legs of the chair.

He then cuts the tape from my hands and I breathe a breath of relief as I grab my wrists and massage them.

Just as I stand, the room of the door bursts open and Harry stands, his tense body seems to relax when he sees me and my heart thumps faster when I see him.

His eyes find the other guys and anger flashes across them. He begins to walk forward but the guy holds his hand up for him to stop but Harry doesn't.

Without a second to process what's about to happen, Harry walks past me and swings, hitting the guy square in the jaw.

"Harry." I say his name but he ignores me and swings again, his other hand fisting a handful of the guys shirt.

The gruesome sound of fist against bone, sends a sight of blood through my vision.

"Harry!" I yell and he stops, turning to me. "Stop. I'm fine."

I didn't realize I was crying until I watch Harry's eye soften again. He lets the guy go, his body drops lazily onto the floor as Harry steps back from him.

He turns back to me and walks closer.
I'm stuck once again as I watch him come closer, his hand reaches up and is pressed against my cheek, his thumb wiping the tears away.

"I'm so sorry." He whispers as he leans in. My breath hitches in my throat as his lips press to mine and I squeeze my eyes shut tightly.

Because I know this is the last time I'll be able to feel his touch.

The last time I'll be able to feel his smooth lips on mine.

The last time I will see him.

The last time I will be with him.


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