1 - The Day the Timeline Snapped

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TW// Arguing/ Verbal Fights

Tommy walks along the beach. No one cared enough to come to his beach party! They all knew that he was being tormented in exile! They had just chosen not to come! Tommy stomped bitterly back to the small log cabin, kicking up small sand clouds around his feet. He had lost one of his shoes the other day, but the coarse sand felt good on his bare feet. Not long after Tommy sits down inside, there comes a knock at the door, and when answered, Ghostbur jumps out from behind the door frame.

"Surprise!" he says, waving his blue stained hands. Tommy rolls his eyes, but smiles all the same. Ghostbur is just trying to cheer up Tommy, knowing that he wanted to be able to see his friends from L'manburg again.

"Do you know if anyone is coming?" Tommy asks the ghost, but Ghostbur does not reply. Instead, there comes a whoosh from outside, signifying that someone had just come through the nether portal. Tommy and Ghostbur go outside to see Dream standing there.

"Did I miss the party?" Dream asks, looking around at the desolate grounds. Tommy sighs and sits on the ground, giving up.

"Hi Dream! No, you haven't missed it! It's just... no one has shown up for it yet," Ghostbur says. Tommy sighs again, putting his head in his hands. Dream goes over to Tommy, and begins to remove the armor from Tommy's back, and usually, Tommy is compliant, but today, he is not having it.

"Tommy... you know the drill. I can't let you keep that armor..." Dream says, and Ghostbur, seeing the angry look on Tommy's face, goes to find Friend, in case of a fight.

"Dream, you know that I am suffering today. Are you really going to do this?!" Tommy asks, standing. Dream sighs, drawing his sword. Tommy draws his as well, but is still well out matched by Dream's netherite. He still prepares for a fight. He is done messing around with Dream.

Ghostbur finds Friend in a nearby pasture. He is easily findable by his bright blue coat. Ghostbur hugs the blue sheep as it continues to munch on grass. There comes yelling over the hill, first Dream's voice, then Tommy's. Ghostbur knows he needs to go back, to support Tommy, but he just can't see why they can't get along! They are so alike, both hotheaded, and with large egos! Why are they fighting?

There comes an explosion from Logsteadshire, the name of Tommy's land that he owns in exile. Two more explosions follow, and this time, Ghostbur knows that something has happened. Friend close behind, Ghostbur peaks the hill to see devastation. The lopsided cabin has been utterly destroyed, nothing left but a few stones and a bit of plaster. The tent, or the tnret, as Tommy named it, was in shambles. The grass and the dirt were strewn everywhere. Friend begins picking his way down the slope, now much steeper, towards a motionless form on the ground. Ghostbur, fearing the worst, runs over. Dream, who was stunned by the explosion, begins to sit up.

"What happened?!" Ghostbur asks, beginning to panic. Dream brushes himself off and begins to take in the damage.

"I didn't know... I am so sorry, Ghostbur. If I had known that someone had laid explosives, I would not have engaged with him. I accidentally set off a trap that was meant for Tommy, supposedly, but he got the worst of it... Ghostbur... Tommy... he's dead!" Dream actually begins to weep, not out of spite that he was not the killer, or the mastermind, but because he had not wanted Tommy to die! Ghostbur, still in shock, kneels on the ground, devastated. Tommy couldn't be gone! Friend comes over and knees in front of Ghostbur, who buries his face in the blue wool and begins to cry. Dream and Ghostbur stand there for a while before the two of them agree to head back to L'manburg.

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