7 - A Plan... Not Well Thought Out

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TW// Mildly Graphic Descriptions

Fundy, Ranboo and Quackity having seated themselves, and Phil watching from his balcony, Tubbo began his speech.

"Technoblade has robbed this country. Of everything it stood for. Has robbed us of our friend. But, no longer. Let this day be known as the day that Technoblade was brought to justice. The day that-," but he never got to finish, for Punz chose that moment to drop down onto the stage, throwing harmful potions and bombs out into the stands, causing an uproar. Through the noise of commotion, you could hear Tubbo's voice.

"Big Q, pull the lever!! Pull it!!" Quackity ran up and pulled the lever, dropping down an anvil. Technoblade pulled out one of the few things he still had left in his inventory. A totem of undying!Holding it in his hand, Techno braced for the impact.

The anvil came crashing down on his head, but instead of a mess all over the stage, Techno's broken body was instantly mended, and he was able to climb the anvil to escape. There was still utter chaos, as Punz was still causing distraction, Carl had been taken by Dream, and now Technoblade had survived the anvil. Looking around, he saw Dream waving to him, Carl in tow. Technoblade ran over, and after hugging Carl, looked Dream in the eye. They nodded, reflecting each other’s thoughts in their eyes. Techno now owed Dream a favor. Dream then disappeared, going back out into the commotion. Techno, with Carl close behind, began to travel down the hallway that had been dug. After a few minutes, Quackity intervened.

"You are not getting out of here Techno. You and that bloody horse are going to go back and stand trial. I don't know how you survived that anvil, but this time, I will make sure it kills you."

"Quackity... did you really think? Did you really think you could kill me that easily?" Technoblade, with nothing but a pickaxe and a smile, was getting ready to fight a guy in full netherite. Quackity, now enraged, charges at Techno.

"You have done so much damage to everything we have been building here. You are not going to get away with this!" Quackity was fighting in full netherite, enraged, but was against a more experienced fighter.

"I have a pickaxe!! And I'll put it through your teeth!!!" Technoblade quickly disarmed Quackity, and brought the sharp point up through his face, slicing it open and blinding him in one eye. Quackity brought his hands up to his face, staggering to his knees.

Technoblade gave his opponent one last look before continuing down the hall. There were yells coming from the other side of the tunnel, most likely coming for Quackity. But Techno was long gone by that point.

He mounted Carl and began to ride home, and after a minute's consideration, decided against going through the nether, as that would be too obvious. He was halfway out when he decided to set up camp. Another crow came and landed on the ground next to him, and after studying it for a minute, Techno took the note from its beak.

I have escaped. Making my way through the nether to your place. Where are you? Ghostbur and Tommy should already be there.

Techno smiled and scribbled a reply.
Heading home in the Overworld. Have to. Less chance they find me, and less chance I lose Carl to the lava lakes. 'Bout halfway there, should be home tomorrow.

The crow takes the message and flies off, and Techno watches it go. After another minute, he decides to sleep. He has earned it after the day he has had.

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