3 - In Mourning

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A/N: Early post, usually only gonna do one a day, but I'm bored as honk, so here yall go

Slight TW// mentions of blood & mildly graphic descriptions

3 days later...

Ghostbur, after hiding in his library for 3 days, finally takes Friend and goes back to Logsteadshire, wanting to make a memorial. He finds that the portal has been broken. After fixing it with some spare obsidian, Ghostbur goes through the portal to find something truly unbelievable! There, on the ground, face down, is Tommy! Ghostbur turns him over and examines him. Breathing, heartbeat! Tommy is alive!! In bad shape, but alive.

"Tommy...? It’s me, Ghostbur!" The ghost talks softly, as if talking too loudly would have ruined the chance that Tommy would be alive. Tommy grunts and sits up.

"Ghostbur, is that really you? I have been seeing some weird stuff in my head. Also... why in the world is it so dark?! Am I in prison?" Tommy reaches around to try and feel for the ghost.

Ghostbur begins to speak with Tommy, asking him questions, and answering some of his questions. All while looking him up and down for injuries. He had some burn marks here and there, a few scrapes and brushes from the shrapnel, but when Ghostbur saw Tommy's face, he knew that what Dream had done, purposeful or not, was irreversible. Ghostbur could see why Tommy thought it was so dark. His face had taken the worst of it, from what Ghostbur could see. Most of Tommy's face was blackened with burns. He had dried blood coming from his nose, and a little from one of his ears. Tommy was talking a bit louder than he normally did, so Ghostbur assumes he had some kind of internal damage to his ear. And his eyes were faded, like a blue cloth used too long. Tommy was blind!

The two have been quiet for some time now, and Tommy asks two burning questions.

"How bad is it?" Ghostbur knows he is not asking about the scenery, so Ghostbur begins to describe his face, hands, and neck. Tommy sits through quietly, and instead of responding, he just asks a different question.

"What are we going to do?" Ghostbur follows this up with a question of his own.

"To know that... I need to know... what really happened?" the ghost asks. Tommy takes a deep breath and doesn't say anything for the longest time, but then, he begins to speak.

"You were there for the beginning. Dream was really starting to annoy me, so I fought back. He then retaliated by drawing his weapons, but never used them. Instead, he lured me and trapped me in a hole, then dropped the bombs on me. That was when everything went dark and silent.

"I passed out from exhaustion a few hours later. I remember him digging me down into a hole. When I finally woke up, I pulled myself from the hole and stayed here, until you found me. I was eventually able to hear again, but I still do not see anything." Ghostbur wipes his eyes, and begins to remove small sections from Friend's coat, gaining it into a makeshift bandage. He then wraps it around Tommy's arm, where the bleeding is the most. Tommy flinches, but does not pull away.
"So, according to your story, it was Dream." Ghostbur clarified. Tommy nodded.

"So we can't go back to L'manburg, at least, not yet. They all think you are dead, but... I am inclined to let it stay that way for now. The less people who know, the better. And, if Dream finds out... especially this soon... you would probably die Tommy, and that would mean the end... we have nowhere to go!" Ghostbur begins to weep, his mind playing over the words. Tommy reaches out to feel for the ghost, but misses, so Ghostbur takes the hand.

"Ghostbur, I think I know a place we can go, but it is very far," Tommy stops for a minute before continuing. "We could go to Technoblade's house."

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