12 - Doomsday

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The next day...

L'manburg woke to a peaceful day, like any other. But, for Dream, Techno, Tommy and Philza? Today was extra special.

Tommy woke, but when he walked outside to guard the others, he did not put up his hood, letting his hair become flecked with the light snow that was beginning to fall. Philza pulled on his armor, still clean, but barely used, and begins brewing potions. Techno cleans his armor, to be ready when Dream arrives.

"Techno! He's here," Tommy calls from the front door. Techno walks out to wait for Dream, standing beside Tommy.

"Um... Techno?!" Dream asks when he comes within reach.

"Yes, Dream? Is there an issue?" Techno asks, playing it cool.

"What is he doing here?!" Dream asks, drawing his sword. Tommy, who would have once drawn in retaliation, even baited Dream, just smirks.

"This is the Guardian. What do you mean?" Techno asks, and he begins to lead the way back to the house. Tommy can hear Dream's tense breathing, and smiles, gesturing for Dream to follow Techno. Dream begins walking, not taking his eyes off of Tommy.

Dream enters the house, and Tommy shuts the door behind them, and, being inside, he removes the bandages from his face, showing Dream what he did. Philza smirks at his uncomfortability. Aside from that, however, everyone just acts like nothing happened.

"We all know the plan. We will get to the sewer, where we have our supply, and then attack. Philza, you will be in charge of spawning the withers. Tommy, I want you to go with Philza, protect him. I will be manning the front lines, and Dream, you have your TNT. Together, we should be able to pull this off," Techno explained.

"Three things. One, you and what army are going to man the front lines?! There will be 20 guys, even if they are caught off guard. Second, I am going to need some time to set up the actual redstone for the TNT droppers," Dream said.

"And...?" Philza asked. Dream looked over to Phil. "You said you had something else to say. Say it."

"Tommy!! How are you still alive?!" Dream asked, finally turning to Tommy, trying to make eye intact, but was not able to stare into his white, soulless eyes for long.

"Listen, let just get this over and done with, and then we can all settle our differences afterwards, yeah?" Techno said, jumping in and resolving any conflicts before they started. Tommy nodded, and changed out his bandages, instead using his all-black ones. His armor was pulled on underneath his cloak, which was designed with a wither skull. Smiling to the other two, he sheathed his sword and grabbed his staff.

"In the words of the once great Wilbur, this is the day that we take it. Either that, or we get nothing," Tommy says, and Philza smiled. Techno nodded, and with Dream following, the four of them started towards the nether portal. Each step closer to L'manburg was a step farther from the point of no return. Tommy felt the first few steps, but it soon became easier. L'manburg was going to pay for what they did.

In L'manburg...

Tubbo has picked up another case. He is questioning all of the citizens of L'manburg and the Greater Dream SMP, trying to find out who were the most likely candidates for the man behind the mask, who had taken Ranboo hostage with Techno and Philza. He had just released Eret from questioning when there came yelling from L'manburg. Eret and Tubbo took one look at each other, and ran towards the commotion. When the two of them reached the top of the hill, they saw chaos ensuing.

Technoblade, along with an army of wolves, were attacking L'manburg, along with the masked man, who was back-to-back with Philza, and the three of them were fighting, not for their lives, but for the deaths of those around them. Tubbo and Eret quickly pulled on their helmets and drew their swords. Flinging themselves into the fight, Eret was almost immediately swallowed by the hordes of wolves. Tubbo, however, found himself fighting the masked man. Their fight was evenly matched, but Tubbo ended up having to retreat back to the stage where they had tried to execute Techno, while the large portion of the battle was on the fields on the other side of the crater that Wilbur had created.

"Who are you?!" Tubbo asked, fighting just as ferociously as the man in black was.

"You would really like to know?" he asked, and Tubbo responded with an affirmative after only a minute. Tommy smiled sadly, and with a final thrust, evaded Tubbo sword and drove his through Tubbo's stomach. Tubbo looked up, shocked, to see Tommy pull down his hood. His eyes were bandaged, but Tubbo still knew it was Tommyinnit.

"Why?" Tubbo mouthed, while clutching the sword coming out of his abdomen.

"Revenge," Tommy replied. Tubbo slumped to the ground, shocked and bleeding. Nihachu, who had been watching their battle from the sidelines, ran up to Tubbo. He was not dead, and Tommy had made sure that Tubbo would live if treated correctly, but now his anger was satisfied, his revenge taken. Now Tubbo knew what it felt like to be betrayed by a friend.

"The President has been defeated!" Tommy called out over the battlefield, standing over Tubbo's broken, bleeding body, while Nihachu works. She looks up to Tommy with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Tommy, why would you do this?!" she asked, and Tommy merely shrugged.

"Revenge is sweet, is it not?" And, with that, Tommy stepped over the two of them, returning to the battle. Eret, who had recovered, ran over to help Nikki.

"Tommy, I hope you know what you are doing," Eret said as he passed. Tommy smiled. For once, he knew exactly what he was doing. Making his choice. No government that took priority over friends and family deserved to exist. He was choosing anarchy.

"That's the difference between you and me, Eret. I know what I am doing. I picked a side and was tossed away. This is their consequence. You have switched sides so many times, we all know you cannot be trusted. You are in it for self-gain. I work for a cause, and will stick with it," Tommy called. Now cocky and ready to taunt. Now that he had satisfied his thirst for revenge, all that was left was bloodlust. Tommy began to cut down enemies, battling with any and all.

It was a few more minutes to this before Techno signaled to Philza and Tommy to begin placing the withers. Tommy smiled, and began following Philza. After the first withers were spawned, it was smooth sailing for Techno and his crew. Dream started up the TNT droppers after that point, and L'manburg was devastated. Many and all of the members were wounded in some way, though Tubbo's injuries were the worst for them. Nikki, with Eret helping, was still trying to help Tubbo. Tommy smiled, smelling the gunpowder and smoke, as well as the blood, and hearing the yells that went up.

After another few hours of massacre, Philza, Tommy, and Techno left for the nether portal, deciding to bail before the distraught people came to their senses. Dream thanked them all for their help, even Tommy, though somewhat reluctantly. Tommy was still smiling, not feeling any sort of guilt at any of the things he did.

And that is what worried Phil.

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