-Text and Story-

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No, Junkyu's life wasn't eventful. He was used to living the same routine for days, unless something very important changed that. The sudden intrusion of a very mysterious Jihoon in his life was one of the biggest events for him in ages, at least after he started uni. He had a chance to go deeper, find out what Jihoon was all about- because he had the latter's number.

Being the plain introvert guy he was, he didn't bother. He did like talking to Jihoon, but wouldn't make effort to repeat that.

It was expected though. The effort should have come from the other end, which unfortunately didn't until Jihoon had to change his number.

He texted Junkyu, because he didn't know who the owner of that contact was.

'Hi, this is Jihoon. I called you before, but can't recall since I changed my number. May I know who you are?'

Junkyu's phone dinged with the formal text. He was curious to see some unknown contact on display; because no one ever texted him! Like they had sns or they would just call. I mean, who uses such old fashioned texting these days?

Reading the text, he felt happy.

There was that small hint of disappointment in him that Jihoon didn't call him after that. Jihoon acted really close with him! He didn't get high hopes though, Jihoon texted him accidentally, to know who the contact belonged to. It didn't mean he wanted to talk to Junkyu. However, the latter smiled while replying to that.

'Hi Jihoon, this is Junkyu. Hope you remember me :)'

He got the next text moments later.

'Junkyu! Of course I remember you! How are things going?'

Junkyu smiled at that. He replied shortly after, Jihoon texted back again. Their conversation went on for long because Jihoon kept asking questions. It felt just like their first meet. Jihoon initiating and Junkyu following.

The next morning, Junkyu made the first effort. He sent Jihoon a good morning text. However, unlike before, Jihoon texted hours later. Just a small 'Good Morning' back. Junkyu tried to understand, Jihoon must have been busy. There was a small hint of upset in him though. He didn't respond to Jihoon's text.

At night, Jihoon texted him again.

'Sorry for being late, Junkyu. I had a rough day.'

Junkyu tried so hard not to smile. He couldn't help it. He took his phone and typed away-

'What did you do?'

Jihoon filled him in about his day. Classes, assignments, projects. Junkyu listened. He understood very well. Jihoon was a music student, he probably had to do a lot more than him.

The tale like texting went on for days. Every morning, Junkyu would wake up and check his phone, in hope of getting a good morning text from Jihoon. 90% of the time, he did. For the rest 10%, he had to be the first one to send it. He was happy though. Texting with Jihoon, listening to his story was good.

But something better was to happen. Several days after they started texting, Jihoon asked to meet him again.

'Are you free this evening? My treat ;)'

Junkyu had a quiz the next day, but he didn't want to turn the other down. He replied positively. Jihoon immediately gave him a location. It slightly bothered Junkyu, since it was an expensive restaurant.

He knew Jihoon was rich, from the appearance the first time they met. He asked to double check, even talked about changing the location. But Jihoon was adamant. Poor Junkyu had to agree at last. Just a one time treat. What could go wrong?

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