-False Heathers-

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"Kim Junkyu, please, be my boyfriend."

"H-Haruto... What are you saying?" Junkyu asked in disbelief. He was a bit scared even.

"I'm asking you to be my boyfriend." Haruto said, as clear as daylight.

"I know- but, why? And- why now?"

Haruto scooted closer to Junkyu. His eyes still showed the gleam of sincerity. He grabbed Junkyu's hands a little tighter, "Because I'm in love with you, hyung."

"No, you're not." Junkyu couldn't believe his eyes. He tried moving away from Haruto. Everything was so messed up! First, Jihoon's deception. Now Haruto's confession. He wasn't ready for any.

Haruto had his mind set. He pulled Junkyu close again. The elder's shoulders bumped with his. With a stronger gaze, he said, "I do. I'm very certain I do."

"But you know I can't, Ruto." Junkyu spoke with honesty. Haruto nodded, "I know that too. I don't ask you to love me yet. I just want you to be my boyfriend."

"That's the same thing-"

"No. That's not." Haruto said, "For now, just hold my hand. Leave everything to me. Let me love you right. I promise, I'll erase any trace of anyone else from your life."

Junkyu was bemused. It didn't seem right. Why would he be with someone if he weren't even in love with them?

"I can't! I don't love you in that way, Ruto."

"Hyung, please. You said you trust me."

"But that's-"

"Just once!" Haruto requested, "Give me a chance, hyung. I know you're in love with someone else. But that someone doesn't even care! He made you sad!"

Junkyu looked down. How true his words were!

"I'll make you fall in love with me." Haruto said, "I know this! I'll make you happy, hyung!"

Junkyu took his time to lift his head up. When he did, narrow streaks of tears were seen on his cheeks. He was lost. He didn't know what to do. What he knew was that he was alone. So lonely in the fight with his feelings for Jihoon. If someone else wanted to give him company, wouldn't it be smart enough to just accept that?

When Haruto wiped his cheeks with his thumbs, with softness and pure delicacy, Junkyu knew the younger meant well. Nothing but the best for him. With a little sniff and nod, he said a small 'Alright'.

"Hm? So you agree to be my boyfriend?"

Junkyu nodded.

"Oh my God! For real?" Haruto's voice was kinda squeaky from joy. Junkyu nodded again. Haruto's happiness didn't reach him. His heart was aching. He felt like betraying Jihoon although he was the one who'd been betrayed first.

So when Haruto hugged him out of pure delight, he wasn't happy. Instead, he asked himself again and again, whether he'd made the right choice or not.


Two days into the relationship-

Haruto took Junkyu to their first date. First date out to be particular. Haruto had stayed in Junkyu's place mostly in the last two days. He felt the need to let the elder taste the outside world as frequently as he should. So, he took Junkyu to a cafe for a casual coffee shop date.

Junkyu had no say in this. Even if he did, he wouldn't disagree. Haruto was doing everything for him after all. To make him miss one certain celebrity as less as possible. He couldn't be happy though. Park Jihoon seemed to have taken a lot of space in Junkyu's heart.

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