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Junkyu was kinda bummed, after the small incident with Jihoon in his house that night. It was an experience, Jihoon helped him out. He made it very very clear what the kiss was for, still, the stupid heart of Junkyu! He kept wondering- what was Jihoon thinking?

Surely, it wasn't anything special. Because the elder pretended like nothing happened from the next morning. Like it was normal to kiss your friend to give him a good experience.

Maybe it was one of the reasons beside his semester finals that he stopped meeting Jihoon. Yes, they still texted, but not as frequently as before. Junkyu insisted that to avoid any kind of distraction, during the month of his exam, he wouldn't meet Jihoon. It wasn't like he didn't usually meet anyone for that period of time, he just wanted to avoid Jihoon.

Because he knew what he felt for Jihoon wasn't friendship anymore. That one addictive kiss told him that.

Junkyu was serious about his grades. He was like those students who would pass the semester young and free; but during exam period, they'd work hard to cover up and earn a satisfactory grade in the end. In this case, he had a friend to help him.

His friend, named Kanemoto Yoshinori, Japanese, was his saviour. He lived in a dormitory near their university, with his little cousin named Haruto. Junkyu would often go to his place to study since Yoshi would always, always help him with any topic. Junkyu would spend his days studying with Yoshi, which was why his focus on Jihoon kinda lessened.

Jihoon wasn't happy about that. He started getting busier as well, which he reasoned that he too had exams. Still, he would manage out some time every now and then to text Junkyu. From Junkyu's end, the response wasn't spontaneous.

Jihoon convinced himself that Junkyu must be all pent up about his exams, that's why, he wasn't as regular to respond to his texts. But that still hurt him. He waited eagerly for Junkyu's exams to end and when finally, after two excruciating, long months had passed, Jihoon came to Junkyu's place, smiling from ear to ear.

As he saw Junkyu, he felt a little sad. Junkyu did work really hard. His face lost a lot of its glow, and yes, puffiness. He was thinner and had huge dark circles under his eyes.

"Gosh! Didn't see you for over a month and you already are a living corpse!" Jihoon joked. Junkyu looked unfazed. He was used to this situation.

"And you haven't changed at all." He rather said. Jihoon looked as stunning as before, maybe even more. As if, the whole semester finals never happened for him!

"I know how to take care of myself, Kyu." Jihoon replied. "And I tried to take care of you too."

Junkyu smiled. Jihoon didn't forget to send him healthy meals, even amidst the exams.

"Thank you." He said, "And sorry I look like trash now."

"Uh huh. Even if you look like a corpse, you're the most handsome corpse out there." Jihoon winked. Junkyu tried to bear with the cheesy words of his, but couldn't. A laugh escaped his lips which automatically reached Jihoon. Their bubbly, lively laughter filled the room within a second. Junkyu missed that. So did Jihoon.

"Oh how much I missed this place!" Jihoon sat down on the couch, with a little plop after a while. "Junkyu, next time, don't cancel me out completely. Let me come at least once a week." He had literal puppy eyes as he spoke.

"Wow now you're guilt tripping me!" Junkyu said sarcastically, "Alright I'm sorry I ghosted you."

"It's okay." Jihoon grinned, "Now that we're together, it's totally fine!"

"You want me to make up to you?" Junkyu asked. He was still upset about Jihoon's past action, but the happiness he got after seeing him again, it overpowered that.

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